
636 lines
21 KiB

* Contao Open Source CMS
* Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Leo Feyer
* Formerly known as TYPOlight Open Source CMS.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program. If not, please visit the Free
* Software Foundation website at <>.
* PHP version 5
* @copyright cgo IT, 2012-2013
* @author Carsten Götzinger (
* @package aeo
* @license GNU/LGPL
* @filesource
namespace cgoIT\aeo;
use cgoIT\aeo\AeoUtil;
use cgoIT\aeo\AeoJavaScript;
* Class AeoFrontendUtil
//define('REGEXP_EMAIL_PREFIX', '(\w[-._\w]*\w)\@');
define('REGEXP_EMAIL', '\w[-._\w]*\w@[\d\w][-._\w]*\w\.\w{2,18}');
define('REGEXP_MAILTO_LINK', '/(?P<all>\<a(?P<before>[^>]+)href\=["\']mailto\:(?P<email>\w[-._\w]*\w)\@(?P<domain>\w[-._\w]*\w)\.(?P<suffix>\w{2,18})(?P<params>\?{0,1}[^"^\']*)["\'](?P<after>[^>]*)\>).*?\<\/a\>/ism');
class AeoFrontendUtil extends \Frontend {
* Replace default obfuscation, default is 1
* @var int
protected $replace_standard_obfuscation = 1;
* Use additional ROT13 encryption, default is 1
* @var int
protected $use_rot_13 = 1;
* Virtual path for non javascript users, default is 'contact'
* @var string
protected $virtual_path = 'contact';
* Weiterleitungsseite für nicht JavaScript Nutzer
* @var string
protected $jump_to_no_js;
* Methode zum Verschleiern der angezeigten E-Mail-Adresse im Frontend
* @var string
protected $obfuscation_method;
* Instance of AEOUtility
* @var AEOUtility
protected $aeo;
protected $aeoUtil;
protected $aeoJavaScript;
* Initialize the object
* @param array
public function __construct($arrAttributes=false) {
if (TL_MODE == 'FE') {
global $objPage;
$this->aeoUtil = new AeoUtil();
$this->aeoJavaScript = new AeoJavaScript();
if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['aeo_replace_standard_obfuscation'] === true) {
$this->use_rot_13 = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['aeo_use_rot_13'];
$this->virtual_path = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['aeo_virtual_path'];
$this->jump_to_no_js = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['aeo_jump_to_no_js'];
$this->obfuscation_method = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['aeo_obfuscation_method'];
$this->aeo = new Aeo();
$folder = '';
if (!$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['rewriteURL']) {
$folder .= 'index.php/';
if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['addLanguageToUrl']) {
$folder .= $objPage->rootLanguage.'/';
if (in_array('i18nl10n', $this->Config->getActiveModules())) {
if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['i18nl10n_urlParam'] == 'url') {
$folder .= $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] . '/';
$folder .= $this->virtual_path.'/'.$GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
} else {
$folder .= $this->virtual_path.'/'.$objPage->rootLanguage;
if ($this->use_rot_13) {
} else {
$urlSuffix = '';
if (strlen($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['urlSuffix']) > 0) {
if (in_array('i18nl10n', $this->Config->getActiveModules()) &&
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['i18nl10n_urlParam'] == 'alias') {
$urlSuffix .= '.'.$GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
$urlSuffix .= $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['urlSuffix'];
$objResult = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_page WHERE id=?")
$url = $this->generateFrontendUrl($objResult);
if (strstr($url, '?')) {
$arrParams = explode('?', $url);
if (count($arrParams) == 2) {
$arrParamValues = explode('&', $arrParams[1]);
$added = false;
foreach ($arrParamValues as $param) {
if (!strstr($param, 'id=')) {
$urlSuffix .= ($added ? '&' : '?').$param;
$added = true;
$this->aeo->urlSuffix = $urlSuffix;
} else {
// global deaktiviert
$this->replace_standard_obfuscation = 0;
* Fügt dem Frontend-Modul ggf. die stop- und continue-Marker hinzu.
* @param unknown_type $objRow
* @param unknown_type $strBuffer
public function aeoGetFrontendModule($objRow, $strBuffer) {
return $this->checkAeoDisabled($objRow, $strBuffer);
* Fügt dem Inhaltelement ggf. die stop- und continue-Marker hinzu.
* @param unknown_type $objRow
* @param unknown_type $strBuffer
public function aeoGetContentElement($objRow, $strBuffer) {
return $this->checkAeoDisabled($objRow, $strBuffer);
* Verschleierung der E-Mail-Adressen.
* @param $strContent
* @param $strTemplate
public function obfuscateEmails($strContent, $strTemplate)
global $objPage;
$objPage2 = $this->getPageDetails($objPage->id);
$redirectPageId = $this->aeoUtil->getRedirectPageForLanguage(deserialize($this->jump_to_no_js), $objPage2->rootLanguage);
if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && $this->replace_standard_obfuscation && $objPage2->id != $redirectPageId) {
$strContent = $this->aeoReplaceInsertTags($strContent);
// erst alle Mailadresse decodieren (Verschleierung von Contao rückgänging machen)
$intOffset = 0;
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->aeo->getNoAeoAreas($strContent);
while (preg_match('/(&#[x]?\w+;)+/i', $strContent, $arrEmail, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $intOffset)) {
if ($this->aeo->isEnabled($arrEmail[0][1], $arrNoAeoAreas)) {
$strDecodedMail = $this->StringUtil->decodeEntities($arrEmail[0][0]);
if (preg_match('/mailto:'.REGEXP_EMAIL.'/i', $strDecodedMail)) {
// erst alle verlinkten eMail-Adressen entschleiern
$strContent = $this->aeo->str_replace($arrEmail[0][0], $strDecodedMail, $strContent, $arrEmail[0][1]);
$intOffset = $arrEmail[0][1] + strlen($strDecodedMail);
// Array muss neu aufgebaut werden, da sich die offsets geändert haben
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->aeo->getNoAeoAreas($strContent);
} else if (preg_match('/'.REGEXP_EMAIL.'/i', $strDecodedMail)) {
// dann alle nicht verlinkten eMail-Adressen entschleiern
$strContent = $this->aeo->str_replace($arrEmail[0][0], $strDecodedMail, $strContent, $arrEmail[0][1]);
$intOffset = $arrEmail[0][1] + strlen($strDecodedMail);
// Array muss neu aufgebaut werden, da sich die offsets geändert haben
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->aeo->getNoAeoAreas($strContent);
} else {
$intOffset = $arrEmail[0][1] + 1;
} else {
$intOffset = $arrEmail[0][1] + 1;
$strContent = $this->aeo->prepareOutput($strContent, $objPage2->id);
return $strContent;
private function includeStaticJs() {
global $objPage;
$objPage2 = $this->getPageDetails($objPage);
$objLayout = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_layout WHERE id=?")
$GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'bundles/cgoitaeo/js/onReadyAeo.min.js|static';
$GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'bundles/cgoitaeo/js/aeo.min.js|static';
* Zusätzliches InsertTag für E-Mail-Verschleierung
* {{aeo-email::value@domain.tld::<method>}} <method>: Angabe der Verschleierungmethode im Frontend.
* Mögliche Werte:
* - none = keine Verschleierung
* - rtl = Right-to-Left
* - nullspan = Null-Span
* - shorten = Verkürzung
private function aeoReplaceInsertTags($strContent) {
// Preserve insert tags
if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['disableInsertTags'])
return parent::restoreBasicEntities($strBuffer);
$arrPossibleValues = array('none', 'rtl', 'nullspan', 'shorten');
$intOffset = 0;
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->aeo->getNoAeoAreas($strContent);
while (preg_match('/\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/', $strContent, $arrTags, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $intOffset)) {
global $objPage;
$position = $arrTags[0][1];
$arrTag = explode('::', $arrTags[1][0]);
// aeo-email-Tag ohne Verschleierungsmethode angegeben --> zu normalem email-Tag umwandeln
if (is_array($arrTag) && count($arrTag) == 2 && $arrTag[0] === 'aeo-email') {
$strValue = '{{email::'.$arrTag[1].'}}';
$strContent = $this->aeo->str_replace($arrTags[0][0], $strValue, $strContent, $position);
$intOffset += strlen($strValue);
// Es handelt sich nicht um ein aeo-email-Tag
if(!is_array($arrTag) || count($arrTag) != 3 ||
$arrTag[0] !== 'aeo-email' || !in_array($arrTag[2], $arrPossibleValues, true)) {
$intOffset += strlen($arrTags[0][0]);
if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['aeo_replace_standard_obfuscation'] === true &&
$this->aeo->isEnabled($position, $arrNoAeoAreas)) {
// AEO aktiv und Bereich nicht auf deaktiviert gestellt
$strValue = $this->aeo->obfuscateSingle($this->StringUtil->decodeEntities($arrTag[1]), $objPage->id, $arrTag[2]);
$strContent = $this->aeo->str_replace($arrTags[0][0], $strValue, $strContent, $position);
$intOffset += strlen($strValue);
} else {
// AEO nicht aktiv oder Bereich auf deaktiviert gestellt
$strEmail = $this->StringUtil->encodeEmail($this->StringUtil->decodeEntities($arrTag[1]));
$strValue = '<a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;' . $this->StringUtil->encodeEmail($strEmail) . '" class="email">' . $this->StringUtil->encodeEmail(preg_replace('/\?.*$/', '', $strEmail)) . '</a>';
$strContent = $this->aeo->str_replace($arrTags[0][0], $strValue, $strContent, $position);
$intOffset += strlen($strValue);
// Positionen aktualisieren, da sich die Positionen geändert haben
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->aeo->getNoAeoAreas($strContent);
// normale Methode aufrufen
$strContent = parent::replaceInsertTags($strContent);
return $strContent;
* Einfügen der stop- und continue-Marker
* @param $objRow
* @param $strBuffer
private function checkAeoDisabled($objRow, $strBuffer) {
if ($objRow->aeo_disable == '1') {
$strBuffer = "\n<!-- aeo::stop -->". $strBuffer ."<!-- aeo::continue -->\n";
return $strBuffer;
class Aeo extends \System {
var $buffer;
var $folder = "contact";
var $tooltip_js_off;
var $rot13 = true;
var $urlSuffix = '';
var $method;
var $i = 2;
* Verschleierung der E-Mail-Adressen. Parsen des Codes einer Seite und ersetzen der normalen
* E-Mail-Links durch verschleierte.
* @param $output
* @param $pageId
function prepareOutput($output, $pageId) {
// Erst alle verlinkten eMail-Adressen verschleiern
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->getNoAeoAreas($output);
$intOffset = 0;
while(preg_match(REGEXP_MAILTO_LINK, $output, $arrLink, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $intOffset)) {
if ($this->isEnabled($arrLink['all'][1], $arrNoAeoAreas)) {
$output = $this->obfuscate($arrLink, $output, $pageId, $this->urlSuffix == null ? '' : $this->urlSuffix, $arrLink['all'][1], $intOffset);
// Array muss neu aufgebaut werden, da sich die offsets geändert haben
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->getNoAeoAreas($output);
} else {
$intOffset = strlen($arrLink['all'][0]) + $arrLink['all'][1];
// jetzt alle nicht verlinkten eMail-Adressen verschleiern.
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->getNoAeoAreas($output);
$intOffset = 0;
while(preg_match('/'.REGEXP_EMAIL.'/esm', $output, $arrNonLinkedeMail, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $intOffset)) {
if ($this->isEnabled($arrNonLinkedeMail[0][1], $arrNoAeoAreas)) {
$output = $this->str_replace($arrNonLinkedeMail[0][0], $this->obfuscateWithMethod($arrNonLinkedeMail[0][0], $this->method, false, $arrNonLinkedeMail[0][1], $intOffset), $output, $arrNonLinkedeMail[0][1]);
// Array muss neu aufgebaut werden, da sich die offsets geändert haben
$arrNoAeoAreas = $this->getNoAeoAreas($output);
} else {
$intOffset = strlen($arrNonLinkedeMail[0][0]) + $arrNonLinkedeMail[0][1];
$close_head = array("</head>", "</HEAD>");
$output = str_replace($close_head, $this->dropJS() . "\n</head>", $output);
if ($this->method != 'shorten') {
$output = str_replace($close_head, $this->dropCSS() . "\n</head>", $output);
return $this->restoreBasisEntities($output);
* Verschleierung eines einzelnen Links. Dazu kann die zu verwendendet Verschleierungsmethode
* angegeben werden.
* @param $email
* @param $pageId
* @param $method
function obfuscateSingle($email, $pageId, $method) {
$arrEmail = explode('@', $email);
$strDomain = substr($arrEmail[1], 0, strrpos($arrEmail[1], '.'));
$strTld = substr($arrEmail[1], strrpos($arrEmail[1], '.') + 1);
$uId = microtime();
$uId = substr($uId, 0, strpos($uId, ' '));
$strLink = '<a title="'.$this->tooltip_js_off.'"';
$strLink .= ' href="'.$this->folder.'/aeo/'.
($this->rot13 ? str_rot13($arrEmail[0]) : $arrEmail[0]).'+'.
($this->rot13 ? str_rot13($strDomain) : $strDomain).'+'.
($this->rot13 ? str_rot13($strTld) : $strTld).'+'.
$pageId.($this->urlSuffix == null ? '' : $this->urlSuffix).
'" rel="nofollow" name="'.uniqid('aeo-obfuscated-', true).'" class="email aeo">';
if ($method !== 'none') {
// passendes CSS hinzufügen
$strLink .= $this->obfuscateWithMethod($arrEmail[0], $method, true, 0, 0).'@'.$strDomain.'.'.$strTld;
} else {
$strLink .= $this->StringUtil->encodeEmail($email);
$strLink .= '</a>';
return $this->createSpecialEntities($strLink);
* Aufbau des verschleierten E-Mail-Links
* @param $arrLink
* @param $output
* @param $pageId
* @param $urlSuffix
* @param $intPos
* @param $intOffset
function obfuscate($arrLink, $output, $pageId, $urlSuffix, $intPos, &$intOffset) {
$newLink = '<a';
// Originalen title auswerten
$originalTitle = $this->getOrigValue('title', $arrLink);
// Originalen class auswerten
$originalClass = $this->getOrigValue('class', $arrLink);
if (strpos($originalClass, 'aeo')) {
// Adresse wurde bereits behandelt
return $output;
if (strlen(trim($arrLink['before'][0]))) {
$newLink .= ' '.trim($arrLink['before'][0]);
if (strlen(trim($arrLink['after'][0]))) {
$newLink .= ' '.trim($arrLink['after'][0]);
if (strlen($originalTitle)) {
$newLink .= ' title="'.$originalTitle.'"';
if (strlen($originalClass)) {
$newLink .= ' class="'.$originalClass.' aeo-with-title"';
} else {
$newLink .= ' class="aeo-with-title"';
} else {
$newLink .= ' title="'.$this->tooltip_js_off.'"';
if (strlen($originalClass)) {
$newLink .= ' class="'.$originalClass.'"';
$strParams = '';
if (strlen($arrLink['params'][0]) && '?' === substr($arrLink['params'][0], 0, 1)) {
$strParams = base64_encode($arrLink['params'][0]);
$newLink .= ' href="'.$this->folder.'/aeo/'.
($this->rot13 ? str_rot13($arrLink['email'][0]) : $arrLink['email'][0]).'+'.
($this->rot13 ? str_rot13($arrLink['domain'][0]) : $arrLink['domain'][0]).'+'.
($this->rot13 ? str_rot13($arrLink['suffix'][0]) : $arrLink['suffix'][0]).'+'.
$pageId.'+'.$strParams.$urlSuffix.'" rel="nofollow" name="aeo-obfuscated-'.$intPos.'"';
$newLink .= '>';
$output = $this->str_replace($arrLink['all'][0], $newLink, $output, $intOffset);
$intOffset = $intPos + strlen($newLink);
return $output;
* Ursprünglichen Wert eines Attributs ermitteln.
* @param $strAttr
* @param $arrLink
function getOrigValue($strAttr, &$arrLink) {
$strOriginal = '';
if (stristr($arrLink['before'][0], $strAttr)) {
preg_match('/'.$strAttr.'=[\"\'](?P<'.$strAttr.'>.*)[\"\']/i', $arrLink['before'][0], $matches);
$strOriginal = $matches[$strAttr];
$arrLink['before'][0] = preg_replace('/(.*)'.$strAttr.'=[\"\'].*[\"\'](.*)/i', '$1 $2', $arrLink['before'][0]);
if (stristr($arrLink['after'][0], $strAttr)) {
preg_match('/'.$strAttr.'=[\"\'](?P<'.$strAttr.'>.*)[\"\']/i', $arrLink['after'][0], $matches);
$strOriginal = $matches[$strAttr];
$arrLink['after'][0] = preg_replace('/(.*)'.$strAttr.'=[\"\'].*[\"\'](.*)/i', '$1 $2', $arrLink['after'][0]);
return $strOriginal;
function dropJS() {
$strContentJs = $this->aeoJavaScript->getContent(str_replace("/", "\/", $this->folder), $this->rot13);
$strContentJs = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n$strContentJs\n</script>\n";
return $strContentJs;
function dropCSS() {
$css = "\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n\t";
switch ($this->method) {
case 'rtl':
$css .= '.obfuscated { unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl; }';
// Hack für FireFox
//$css .= '*>.obfuscated { unicode-bidi: -moz-isolate-override !important; }';
case 'nullspan':
$css .= 'span.obfuscated { display: none; white-space: nowrap;}';
$css .= "\n</style>";
return $css;
function setTooltipJS($tooltip) {
$this->tooltip_js_on = $tooltip;
function setTooltipNoJS($tooltip) {
$this->tooltip_js_off = $tooltip;
function setFolder($folder) {
$this->folder = $folder;
function setROT13($rot13) {
$this->rot13 = $rot13;
function setMethod($method) {
$this->method = $method;
function obfuscateWithMethod($email, $method, $includeCss, $intPos, &$intOffset) {
switch ($method) {
case 'rtl' :
$strEmail = $this->rtl($email, $includeCss);
case 'nullspan' :
$strEmail = $this->nullspan($email, $includeCss);
$strEmail = $this->shorten($email, $includeCss);
// Offset korrigieren
$intOffset = $intPos + strlen($strEmail);
return $strEmail;
function shorten ($email, $includeCss) {
$arrEmail = explode('@', $email);
if (strlen ($arrEmail[0]) <= 4) {
$email = substr ($arrEmail[0], 0, 1);
} else if (strlen ($arrEmail[0]) <= 6) {
$email = substr ($arrEmail[0], 0, 3);
} else {
$email = substr ($arrEmail[0], 0, 4);
return $email.'...'.($includeCss ? '' : '&#64;').$arrEmail[1];
function rtl ($email, $includeCss) {
$strEmail = strrev($email);
if ($includeCss) {
return '<span style="unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl;">'.$strEmail.'</span>';
return '<span class="obfuscated">'.$strEmail.'</span>';
function nullspan ($email, $includeCss) {
$arrEmail = explode('@', $email);
if (strlen ($arrEmail[0]) <= 4) {
$email1 = substr ($arrEmail[0], 0, 1);
$email2 = substr ($arrEmail[0], 1);
} else if (strlen ($arrEmail[0]) <= 6) {
$email1 = substr ($arrEmail[0], 0, 3);
$email2 = substr ($arrEmail[0], 3);
} else {
$email1 = substr ($arrEmail[0], 0, 4);
$email2 = substr ($arrEmail[0], 4);
if ($includeCss) {
return $email1.'<span style="display: none; white-space: nowrap;">null</span>'.$email2.'&#64;'.$arrEmail[1];
return $email1.'<span class="obfuscated">null</span>'.$email2.'&#64;'.$arrEmail[1];
function getNoAeoAreas($output) {
$arrNoAeoAreas = array();
$intOffset = 0;
while (preg_match('/<!-- aeo::stop -->/', $output, $arrOuter, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $intOffset)) {
$intOffset = strlen($arrOuter[0][0]) + $arrOuter[0][1];
preg_match('/<!-- aeo::continue -->/', $output, $arrInner, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $intOffset);
$arrNoAeoAreas[] = array('start' => $arrOuter[0][1], 'end' => $arrInner[0][1]);
$intOffset = strlen($arrInner[0][0]) + $arrInner[0][1];
return $arrNoAeoAreas;
function isEnabled($intPos, $arrNoAeoAreas) {
foreach ($arrNoAeoAreas as $arrDisabledArea) {
if ($arrDisabledArea['start'] < $intPos &&
$arrDisabledArea['end'] > $intPos) {
return false;
return true;
function str_replace($search, $replacement, $subject, $offset) {
$mysubject = substr($subject, 0, $offset);
$strRest = substr($subject, $offset);
$mysubject .= preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($search, '/').'/sm', $replacement, $strRest, 1);
return $mysubject;
function createSpecialEntities($strContent) {
return str_replace(array('@', '&#x40;', '&#64;'), array('[at]', '[at]', '[at]'), $strContent);
function restoreBasisEntities($strContent) {
return str_replace(array('[at]'), array('&#64;'), $strContent);