2014-10-01 07:19:14 +02:00
< ? php
* Contao Open Source CMS
* Copyright ( C ) 2005 - 2011 Leo Feyer
* Formerly known as TYPOlight Open Source CMS .
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either
* version 3 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program . If not , please visit the Free
* Software Foundation website at < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
* PHP version 5
* @ copyright cgo IT , 2013
* @ author Carsten Götzinger ( info @ cgo - it . de )
* @ package rateit
* @ license GNU / LGPL
* @ filesource
namespace cgoIT\rateit ;
class rateitBackendModule extends \BackendModule
protected $strTemplate ;
protected $actions = array ();
protected $rateit ;
protected $tl_root ;
protected $tl_files ;
protected $languages ;
private $compiler ;
private $action = '' ;
private $parameter = '' ;
private $arrExportHeader ;
private $arrExportHeaderDetails ;
* Anzahl der Herzen / Sterne
* @ var int
protected $intStars = 5 ;
protected $label ;
protected $labels ;
* Initialize the controller
public function __construct ( $objElement = array ()) {
parent :: __construct ( $objElement );
$this -> label = $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'rating_type' ] == 'hearts' ? $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'rateit' ][ 'heart' ] : $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'rateit' ][ 'star' ];
$this -> labels = $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'rating_type' ] == 'hearts' ? $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'rateit' ][ 'hearts' ] : $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'rateit' ][ 'stars' ];
$this -> actions = array (
// act[0] strTemplate compiler
array ( '' , 'rateitbe_ratinglist' , 'listRatings' ),
array ( 'reset_ratings' , '' , 'resetRatings' ),
array ( 'view' , 'rateitbe_ratingview' , 'viewRating' ),
array ( 'export' , '' , 'exportRatings' ),
array ( 'exportDetails' , '' , 'exportRatingDetails' ),
$this -> loadLanguageFile ( 'rateit_backend' );
$this -> arrExportHeader = & $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'xls_headers' ];
$this -> arrExportHeaderDetails = & $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'xls_headers_detail' ];
* Generate module :
* - Display a wildcard in the back end
* - Select the template and compiler in the front end
* @ return string
public function generate ()
$this -> rateit = new \stdClass ();
$rateit = & $this -> rateit ;
$rateit -> username = $this -> BackendUser -> username ;
$rateit -> isadmin = $this -> BackendUser -> isAdmin ;
$this -> strTemplate = $this -> actions [ 0 ][ 1 ];
$this -> compiler = $this -> actions [ 0 ][ 2 ];
$act = \Input :: get ( 'act' );
if ( ! $act ) $act = \Input :: post ( 'act' );
foreach ( $this -> actions as $action ) {
if ( $act == $action [ 0 ]) {
$this -> parameter = $act ;
$this -> action = $action [ 0 ];
$this -> strTemplate = $action [ 1 ];
$this -> compiler = $action [ 2 ];
break ;
$stars = intval ( $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'rating_count' ]);
if ( $stars > 0 ) {
$this -> intStars = $stars ;
return str_replace ( array ( '{{' , '}}' ), array ( '[{]' , '[}]' ), parent :: generate ());
} // generate
* Compile module : common initializations and forwarding to distinct function compiler
protected function compile ()
// hide module?
$compiler = $this -> compiler ;
if ( $compiler == 'hide' ) return ;
// load other helpers
$this -> tl_root = str_replace ( " \\ " , '/' , TL_ROOT ) . '/' ;
$this -> tl_files = str_replace ( " \\ " , '/' , $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'uploadPath' ]) . '/' ;
$this -> Template -> rateit = $this -> rateit ;
// complete rateit initialization
$rateit = & $this -> rateit ;
$rateit -> f_link = $this -> createUrl ( array ( $this -> action => $this -> parameter ));
$rateit -> f_action = $this -> compiler ;
$rateit -> f_mode = $this -> action ;
$rateit -> theme = new RateItBackend ();
$rateit -> backLink = $this -> getReferer ( true );
$rateit -> homeLink = $this -> createUrl ();
// execute compiler
$this -> $compiler ( $this -> parameter );
} // compile
* List the ratings
protected function listRatings ()
$rateit = & $this -> Template -> rateit ;
$rateit -> f_page = 0 ;
// returning from submit?
if ( $this -> filterPost ( 'rateit_action' ) == $rateit -> f_action ) {
// get url parameters
$rateit -> f_typ = trim ( \Input :: post ( 'rateit_typ' ));
$rateit -> f_active = trim ( \Input :: post ( 'rateit_active' ));
$rateit -> f_order = trim ( \Input :: post ( 'rateit_order' ));
$rateit -> f_page = trim ( \Input :: post ( 'rateit_page' ));
$rateit -> f_find = trim ( \Input :: post ( 'rateit_find' ));
$this -> Session -> set (
'rateit_settings' ,
array (
'rateit_typ' => $rateit -> f_typ ,
'rateit_order' => $rateit -> f_order ,
'rateit_page' => $rateit -> f_page ,
'rateit_find' => $rateit -> f_find
} else {
$stg = $this -> Session -> get ( 'rateit_settings' );
if ( is_array ( $stg )) {
$rateit -> f_typ = trim ( $stg [ 'rateit_typ' ]);
$rateit -> f_active = trim ( $stg [ 'rateit_active' ]);
$rateit -> f_order = trim ( $stg [ 'rateit_order' ]);
$rateit -> f_page = trim ( $stg [ 'rateit_page' ]);
$rateit -> f_find = trim ( $stg [ 'rateit_find' ]);
} // if
} // if
if ( $rateit -> f_order == '' ) $rateit -> f_order = 'rating' ;
//if (!isset($rateit->f_active)) $rateit->f_active = '-1';
if ( isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'rating_listsize' ]))
$perpage = ( int ) trim ( $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'rating_listsize' ]);
if ( ! isset ( $perpage ) || $perpage < 0 ) $perpage = 10 ;
if ( $rateit -> f_page >= 0 && $perpage > 0 ) {
$options [ 'first' ] = $rateit -> f_page * $perpage ;
$options [ 'limit' ] = $perpage ;
} // if
if ( $rateit -> f_typ != '' ) $options [ 'typ' ] = $rateit -> f_typ ;
if ( $rateit -> f_active != '' ) $options [ 'active' ] = $rateit -> f_active == '0' ? '' : $rateit -> f_active ;
if ( $rateit -> f_find != '' ) $options [ 'find' ] = $rateit -> f_find ;
switch ( $rateit -> f_order ) {
case 'title' : $options [ 'order' ] = 'title' ; break ;
case 'typ' : $options [ 'order' ] = 'typ' ; break ;
case 'createdat' : $options [ 'order' ] = 'createdat' ; break ;
default : $options [ 'order' ] = 'rating desc' ;
} // switch
$rateit -> exportLink = $this -> createUrl ( array ( 'act' => 'export' ));
// query extensions
$rateit -> ratingitems = $this -> getRatingItems ( $options );
if ( $rateit -> f_page >= 0 && $perpage > 0 && count ( $rateit -> ratingitems ) == 0 ) {
$rateit -> f_page = 0 ;
$options [ 'first' ] = 0 ;
$rateit -> ratingitems = $this -> getRatingItems ( $options );
} // if
// add view links
foreach ( $rateit -> ratingitems as & $ext ) {
$ext -> viewLink = $this -> createUrl ( array ( 'act' => 'view' , 'rkey' => $ext -> rkey , 'typ' => $ext -> typ ));
$totrecs = $ext -> totcount ;
} // foreach
// create pages list
$rateit -> pages = array ();
if ( $perpage > 0 ) {
$first = 1 ;
while ( $totrecs > 0 ) {
$cnt = $totrecs > $perpage ? $perpage : $totrecs ;
$rateit -> pages [] = $first . ' - ' . ( $first + $cnt - 1 );
$first += $cnt ;
$totrecs -= $cnt ;
} // while
} // if
} // listRatings
* Export all ratings as MS - Excel - File
protected function exportRatings ()
$this -> import ( 'String' );
$rateit = & $this -> Template -> rateit ;
$options [ 'order' ] = 'rating desc' ;
// query ratings
$rateit -> ratingitems = $this -> getRatingItems ( $options , true );
$xls = new \xlsexport ();
$strXlsSheet = $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'xls_sheetname_ratings' ];
$xls -> addworksheet ( $strXlsSheet );
$intRowCounter = - 1 ;
$intColCounter = 0 ;
$intRowCounter ++ ;
// Header setzen
foreach ( array_values ( $this -> arrExportHeader ) as $header ) {
$xls -> setcell ( array ( " sheetname " => $strXlsSheet , " row " => $intRowCounter , " col " => $intColCounter , " data " => $header , " fontweight " => XLSFONT_BOLD , " vallign " => XLSXF_VALLIGN_TOP , " fontfamily " => XLSFONT_FAMILY_NORMAL ));
$xls -> setcolwidth ( $strXlsSheet , $intColCounter , 0x1aff );
$intColCounter ++ ;
$intRowCounter ++ ;
// Werte setzen
foreach ( $rateit -> ratingitems as $item ) {
$arrItem = ( array ) $item ;
$intColCounter = 0 ;
foreach ( array_keys ( $this -> arrExportHeader ) as $key ) {
$strVal = $arrItem [ $key ];
$strVal = $this -> String -> decodeEntities ( $strVal );
$strVal = preg_replace ( array ( '/<br.*\/*>/si' ), array ( " \n " ), $strVal );
$strVal = $this -> convertEncoding ( $strVal , $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'characterSet' ], 'CP1252' );
$cellType = CELL_STRING ;
switch ( $key ) {
case 'typ' :
$strVal = $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit_type_options' ][ $strVal ];
break ;
case 'createdat' :
$strVal = $strVal ? date ( $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'datimFormat' ], $strVal ) : '' ;
break ;
case 'active' :
$strVal = $strVal == '1' ? 'Ja' : 'Nein' ;
break ;
case 'rating' :
if ( ! isset ( $strVal ) || empty ( $strVal )) {
$strVal = '0' ;
$cellType = CELL_FLOAT ;
break ;
case 'stars' :
case 'percent' :
case 'totalRatings' :
case 'rkey' :
$cellType = CELL_FLOAT ;
break ;
$xls -> setcell ( array ( " sheetname " => $strXlsSheet , " row " => $intRowCounter , " col " => $intColCounter , " data " => $strVal , " type " => $cellType , " vallign " => XLSXF_VALLIGN_TOP , " fontfamily " => XLSFONT_FAMILY_NORMAL ));
$intColCounter ++ ;
$intRowCounter ++ ;
$xls -> sendfile ( " export_rateit_ " . date ( " Ymd_His " ) . " .xls " );
exit ;
} // exportRatings
* Detailed view of one rating .
* @ param string
protected function viewRating ()
$rateit = & $this -> Template -> rateit ;
$rateit -> f_page = 0 ;
// returning from submit?
if ( $this -> filterPost ( 'rateit_action' ) == $rateit -> f_action ) {
// get url parameters
$rateit -> f_page = trim ( \Input :: post ( 'rateit_details_page' ));
$this -> Session -> set (
'rateit_settings' ,
array (
'rateit_details_page' => $rateit -> f_page
} else {
$stg = $this -> Session -> get ( 'rateit_settings' );
if ( is_array ( $stg )) {
$rateit -> f_page = trim ( $stg [ 'rateit_details_page' ]);
} // if
} // if
$rkey = \Input :: get ( 'rkey' );
if ( strstr ( $rkey , '|' )) {
$arrRkey = explode ( '|' , $rkey );
foreach ( $arrRkey as $key ) {
if ( ! is_numeric ( $key )) {
$this -> redirect ( $rateit -> homeLink );
exit ;
$id = $rkey ;
} else {
if ( is_numeric ( $rkey )) {
$id = $rkey ;
} else {
$this -> redirect ( $rateit -> homeLink );
exit ;
$typ = \Input :: get ( 'typ' );
// compose base options
$options = array (
'rkey' => $rkey ,
'typ' => $typ
$this -> rateit -> f_link = $this -> createUrl ( array ( 'act' => 'view' , 'rkey' => $rkey , 'typ' => $typ ));
if ( isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'rating_listsize' ]))
$perpage = ( int ) trim ( $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'rating_listsize' ]);
if ( ! isset ( $perpage ) || $perpage < 0 ) $perpage = 10 ;
if ( $rateit -> f_page >= 0 && $perpage > 0 ) {
$options [ 'first' ] = $rateit -> f_page * $perpage ;
$options [ 'limit' ] = $perpage ;
} // if
$rateit -> ratingitems = $this -> getRatingItems ( $options , true );
if ( count ( $rateit -> ratingitems ) < 1 ) $this -> redirect ( $rateit -> homeLink );
$ext = & $rateit -> ratingitems [ 0 ];
$ext -> ratings = $this -> getRatings ( $ext , $options );
if ( $rateit -> f_page >= 0 && $perpage > 0 && count ( $ext -> ratings ) == 0 ) {
$rateit -> f_page = 0 ;
$options [ 'first' ] = 0 ;
$rateit -> ratings = $this -> getRatings ( $ext , $options );
} // if
if ( count ( $ext -> ratings ) > 0 ) {
$totrecs = $ext -> ratings [ 0 ] -> totcount ;
} else {
$totrecs = 0 ;
// create pages list
$rateit -> pages = array ();
if ( $perpage > 0 ) {
$first = 1 ;
while ( $totrecs > 0 ) {
$cnt = $totrecs > $perpage ? $perpage : $totrecs ;
$rateit -> pages [] = $first . ' - ' . ( $first + $cnt - 1 );
$first += $cnt ;
$totrecs -= $cnt ;
} // while
} // if
$rateit -> exportLink = $this -> createUrl ( array ( 'act' => 'exportDetails' , 'rkey' => $rkey , 'typ' => $typ ));
$ext -> statistics = $this -> getRatingStatistics ( $ext -> item_id );
$ext -> ratingsChartData = $this -> getRatingsChartData ( $ext -> statistics );
$ext -> monthsChartData = $this -> getMonthsChartData ( $ext -> item_id );
} // viewRating
protected function resetRatings ()
$rateit = & $this -> Template -> rateit ;
// nothing checked?
$ids0 = \Input :: post ( 'selectedids' );
if ( ! is_array ( $ids0 )) {
$this -> redirect ( $rep -> homeLink ); return ;
foreach ( $ids0 as $id ) {
list ( $rkey , $typ ) = explode ( '__' , $id );
$pid = $this -> Database -> prepare ( 'SELECT id FROM tl_rateit_items WHERE rkey=? and typ=?' )
-> execute ( $rkey , $typ )
-> fetchRow ();
$this -> Database -> prepare ( 'DELETE FROM tl_rateit_ratings WHERE pid=?' )
-> execute ( $pid [ 0 ]);
$this -> redirect ( $rateit -> homeLink );
} // resetRatings
* Export the details of one rating as MS - Excel - File
protected function exportRatingDetails ()
$rkey = \Input :: get ( 'rkey' );
if ( ! is_numeric ( $rkey ))
$this -> redirect ( $rateit -> backLink );
$typ = \Input :: get ( 'typ' );
$this -> rateit -> backLink = $this -> createUrl ( array ( 'act' => 'view' , 'rkey' => $rkey , 'typ' => $typ ));
// compose base options
$options = array (
'rkey' => $rkey ,
'typ' => $typ
$this -> import ( 'String' );
$rateit = & $this -> Template -> rateit ;
// query ratings
$rateit -> ratingitems = $this -> getRatingItems ( $options );
if ( count ( $rateit -> ratingitems ) < 1 ) $this -> redirect ( $rateit -> backLink );
$ext = & $rateit -> ratingitems [ 0 ];
$ext -> ratings = $this -> getRatings ( $ext );
$ext -> statistics = $this -> getRatingStatistics ( $ext -> item_id );
$xls = new \xlsexport ();
$strXlsSheet = $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'xls_sheetname_rating' ];
$xls -> addworksheet ( $strXlsSheet );
$intRowCounter = - 1 ;
$intColCounter = 0 ;
$intRowCounter ++ ;
// Header setzen
foreach ( array_values ( $this -> arrExportHeaderDetails ) as $header ) {
$xls -> setcell ( array ( " sheetname " => $strXlsSheet , " row " => $intRowCounter , " col " => $intColCounter , " data " => $header , " fontweight " => XLSFONT_BOLD , " vallign " => XLSXF_VALLIGN_TOP , " fontfamily " => XLSFONT_FAMILY_NORMAL ));
$xls -> setcolwidth ( $strXlsSheet , $intColCounter , 0x1aff );
$intColCounter ++ ;
$intRowCounter ++ ;
// Werte setzen
foreach ( $ext -> ratings as $item ) {
$arrItem = ( array ) $item ;
$intColCounter = 0 ;
foreach ( array_keys ( $this -> arrExportHeaderDetails ) as $key ) {
$strVal = $arrItem [ $key ];
$strVal = $this -> String -> decodeEntities ( $strVal );
$strVal = preg_replace ( array ( '/<br.*\/*>/si' ), array ( " \n " ), $strVal );
$strVal = $this -> convertEncoding ( $strVal , $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'characterSet' ], 'CP1252' );
$cellType = CELL_STRING ;
switch ( $key ) {
case 'createdat' :
$strVal = $strVal ? date ( $GLOBALS [ 'TL_CONFIG' ][ 'datimFormat' ], $strVal ) : '' ;
break ;
case 'rating' :
if ( ! isset ( $strVal ) || empty ( $strVal )) {
$strVal = '0' ;
$cellType = CELL_FLOAT ;
break ;
case 'stars' :
case 'percent' :
case 'totalRatings' :
case 'rkey' :
$cellType = CELL_FLOAT ;
break ;
$xls -> setcell ( array ( " sheetname " => $strXlsSheet , " row " => $intRowCounter , " col " => $intColCounter , " data " => $strVal , " type " => $cellType , " vallign " => XLSXF_VALLIGN_TOP , " fontfamily " => XLSFONT_FAMILY_NORMAL ));
$intColCounter ++ ;
$intRowCounter ++ ;
$xls -> sendfile ( " export_rateit_ " . date ( " Ymd_His " ) . " .xls " );
exit ;
} // exportRatingDetails
* Create url for hyperlink to the current page .
* @ param array $aParams Assiciative array with key / value pairs as parameters .
* @ return string The create link .
protected function createUrl ( $aParams = null )
return $this -> createPageUrl ( \Input :: get ( 'do' ), $aParams );
} // createUrl
* Create url for hyperlink to an arbitrary page .
* @ param string $aPage The page ID .
* @ param array $aParams Assiciative array with key / value pairs as parameters .
* @ return string The create link .
protected function createPageUrl ( $aPage , $aParams = null )
$url = \Environment :: get ( 'script' ) . '?do=' . $aPage ;
if ( is_array ( $aParams )) {
foreach ( $aParams as $key => $val )
if ( $val != '' )
$url .= '&' . $key . '=' . $val ;
return $url ;
} // createPageUrl
* Get post parameter and filter value .
* @ param string $aKey The post key . When filtering html , remove all attribs and
* keep the plain tags .
* @ param string $aMode '' : no filtering
* 'nohtml' : strip all html
* 'text' : Keep tags p br ul li em
* @ return string The filtered input .
protected function filterPost ( $aKey , $aMode = '' )
$v = trim ( \Input :: postRaw ( $aKey ));
if ( $v == '' || $aMode == '' ) return $v ;
switch ( $aMode ) {
case 'nohtml' :
$v = strip_tags ( $v );
break ;
case 'text' :
$v = strip_tags ( $v , rateit_TEXTTAGS );
break ;
} // switch
$v = preg_replace ( '/<(\w+) .*>/U' , '<$1>' , $v );
return $v ;
} // filterPost
protected function getRatingItems ( $aOptions , $noLimit = false ) {
$sql = " SELECT i.id as item_id,
i . rkey AS rkey ,
i . title as title ,
i . typ as typ ,
i . createdat as createdat ,
i . active as active ,
IFNULL ( AVG ( r . rating ), 0 ) AS rating ,
COUNT ( r . rating ) AS totalRatings
FROM tl_rateit_items i
LEFT OUTER JOIN tl_rateit_ratings r
ON ( i . id = r . pid )
% w
GROUP BY rkey , title , item_id , typ , createdat , active
% o
% l " ;
$cntSql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tl_rateit_items i %s " ;
$where = '' ;
$firstWhere = true ;
$limit = '' ;
$order = '' ;
foreach ( $aOptions as $k => $v ) {
if ( $k == 'find' ) {
if ( ! $firstWhere ) {
$where .= " AND " ;
$where .= " title like '% $v %' " ;
$firstWhere = false ;
else if ( $k != 'order' && $k != 'limit' && $k != 'first' ) {
if ( ! $firstWhere ) {
$where .= " AND " ;
$where .= " $k =' $v ' " ;
$firstWhere = false ;
} else {
if ( $k == 'limit' && ! $noLimit ) {
$cntRows = $v ;
} else if ( $k == 'first' && ! $noLimit ) {
$first = $v ;
if ( isset ( $cntRows ) && isset ( $first )) {
$limit = " LIMIT $first , $cntRows " ;
if ( strlen ( $where ) > 0 ) {
$where = " WHERE " . $where ;
if ( isset ( $aOptions [ 'order' ]) && ! empty ( $aOptions [ 'order' ]))
$order = " ORDER BY " . $aOptions [ 'order' ];
$sql = str_replace ( '%o' , $order , $sql );
$sql = str_replace ( '%w' , $where , $sql );
$sql = str_replace ( '%l' , $limit , $sql );
$cntSql = str_replace ( '%s' , $where , $cntSql );
2015-02-26 12:17:29 +01:00
$count = $this -> Database -> query ( $cntSql ) -> fetchRow ();
2014-10-01 07:19:14 +02:00
2015-02-26 12:17:29 +01:00
$arrRatingItems = $this -> Database -> query ( $sql ) -> fetchAllAssoc ();
2014-10-01 07:19:14 +02:00
$arrReturn = array ();
foreach ( $arrRatingItems as $rating ) {
if ( $rating [ 'active' ] != '1' ) $rating [ 'active' ] = '0' ;
$rating [ 'percent' ] = $rating [ 'rating' ];
$rating [ 'rating' ] = $ this -> percentToStars ( $rating [ 'percent' ]);
$rating [ 'stars' ] = $this -> intStars ;
$rating [ 'totcount' ] = $count [ 0 ];
$arrReturn [] = ( object ) $rating ;
return $arrReturn ;
} // getRatingItems
protected function getRatings ( $ext , $options = array ()) {
// Gesamtanzahl (für Paging wichtig) ermitteln
$cntSql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tl_rateit_ratings r WHERE r.pid= $ext->item_id " ;
$count = $this -> Database -> prepare ( $cntSql )
-> execute ()
-> fetchRow ();
foreach ( $options as $k => $v ) {
if ( $k == 'limit' ) {
$cntRows = $v ;
} else if ( $k == 'first' ) {
$first = $v ;
if ( isset ( $cntRows ) && isset ( $first )) {
$limit = " LIMIT $first , $cntRows " ;
$sql = " SELECT id AS rating_id, ip_address AS ip, memberid, rating, createdat
FROM tl_rateit_ratings r
WHERE r . pid = $ext -> item_id
ORDER BY createdat DESC
% l " ;
$sql = str_replace ( '%l' , $limit , $sql );
$arrRatings = $this -> Database -> prepare ( $sql )
-> execute ()
-> fetchAllAssoc ();
$arrReturn = array ();
foreach ( $arrRatings as $rating ) {
$rating [ 'percent' ] = $rating [ 'rating' ];
$rating [ 'rating' ] = $this -> percentToStars ( $rating [ 'percent' ]);
$rating [ 'stars' ] = $this -> intStars ;
$rating [ 'totcount' ] = $count [ 0 ];
if ( $rating [ 'memberid' ] != null ) {
$member = $this -> Database -> prepare ( " SELECT firstname, lastname FROM tl_member WHERE id=? " )
-> limit ( 1 )
-> execute ( $rating [ 'memberid' ])
-> fetchAssoc ();
$rating [ 'member' ] = $member [ 'firstname' ] . " " . $member [ 'lastname' ];
$arrReturn [] = ( object ) $rating ;
return $arrReturn ;
} // getRatings
protected function getRatingStatistics ( $item_id ) {
$sql = " SELECT rating, count(*) as count
FROM tl_rateit_ratings r
WHERE r . pid = $item_id
GROUP BY rating
ORDER BY rating " ;
$arrRatingStatistics = $this -> Database -> prepare ( $sql )
-> execute ()
-> fetchAllAssoc ();
$arrReturn = array ();
foreach ( $arrRatingStatistics as $rating ) {
$rating [ 'percent' ] = $rating [ 'rating' ];
$rating [ 'rating' ] = $this -> percentToStars ( $rating [ 'percent' ]);
$arrReturn [ $rating [ 'percent' ]] = ( object ) $rating ;
return $arrReturn ;
} // getRatings
protected function getRatingsChartData ( $statistics ) {
$arr = array ();
$arr [ 'cols' ] = array ();
$arr [ 'rows' ] = array ();
// Spalten anlegen
$arr [ 'cols' ][] = array ( 'id' => 'rating' , 'label' => $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'rating_chart_legend' ][ 2 ], 'type' => 'string' );
$arr [ 'cols' ][] = array ( 'id' => 'count' , 'label' => $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'rating_chart_legend' ][ 3 ], 'type' => 'number' );
// Zeilen anlegen
foreach ( $statistics as $obj ) {
$arr [ 'rows' ][] = array ( 'c' => array ( array ( 'v' => $obj -> rating . ' ' . ( $obj -> rating == 1 ? $this -> label : $this -> labels )), array ( 'v' => ( int ) $obj -> count , 'f' => $obj -> count . ' ' . $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'vote' ][ $obj -> count == 1 ? 0 : 1 ])));
return json_encode ( $arr );
protected function getMonthsChartData ( $item_id ) {
$sql = " SELECT count(*) AS anzahl, avg(rating) AS bewertung, month(date(FROM_UNIXTIME(createdat))) AS monat, year(date(FROM_UNIXTIME(createdat))) AS jahr
FROM tl_rateit_ratings r
WHERE r . pid = $item_id
GROUP BY monat , jahr
ORDER BY jahr DESC , monat DESC
LIMIT 0 , 12 " ;
$arrResult = $this -> Database -> prepare ( $sql )
-> execute ()
-> fetchAllAssoc ();
$arrResult = array_reverse ( $arrResult );
$this -> loadLanguageFile ( 'default' );
$arr = array ();
$arr [ 'cols' ] = array ();
$arr [ 'rows' ] = array ();
// Spalten anlegen
$arr [ 'cols' ][] = array ( 'id' => 'month' , 'label' => $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'month_chart_legend' ][ 3 ], 'type' => 'string' );
$arr [ 'cols' ][] = array ( 'id' => 'count' , 'label' => $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'month_chart_legend' ][ 4 ], 'type' => 'number' );
$arr [ 'cols' ][] = array ( 'id' => 'avg' , 'label' => $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'tl_rateit' ][ 'month_chart_legend' ][ 2 ], 'type' => 'number' );
// Zeilen anlegen
foreach ( $arrResult as $result ) {
$month = $GLOBALS [ 'TL_LANG' ][ 'MONTHS' ][ $result [ 'monat' ] - 1 ] . ' ' . $result [ 'jahr' ];
$avgValue = round (( float )(( $result [ 'bewertung' ] * $this -> intStars ) / 100 ), 1 );
$arr [ 'rows' ][] = array ( 'c' => array ( array ( 'v' => $month ),
array ( 'v' => ( int ) $result [ 'anzahl' ]),
array ( 'v' => $avgValue )));
return json_encode ( $arr );
protected function percentToStars ( $percent ) {
$modifier = 100 / $this -> intStars ;
return round ( $percent / $modifier , 1 );
* Convert encoding
* @ return String
* @ param $strString String to convert
* @ param $from charset to convert from
* @ param $to charset to convert to
public function convertEncoding ( $strString , $from , $to ) {
@ mb_substitute_character ( 'none' );
return @ mb_convert_encoding ( $strString , $to , $from );
elseif ( function_exists ( 'iconv' )) {
if ( strlen ( $iconv = @ iconv ( $from , $to . '//IGNORE' , $strString ))) {
return $iconv ;
else {
return @ iconv ( $from , $to , $strString );
return $strString ;
} // class rateitBackendModule