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2014-10-01 07:19:14 +02:00
var RateItRating;
function doRateIt() {
if (window.MooTools) {
var RateItRatings = new Class({
Implements: Options,
options: {
step: 0.1, /* Schrittweite */
readonly: false, /* Bewertungen zulassen */
resetable: false /* Nicht zurücksetzbar */
initialize: function(options) {
$$('.rateItRating').each(function(el) {
initMe: function(el) {
//Does this if the browser is NOT IE6. IE6 users don't deserve fancy ratings. >:(
if (!Browser.ie || Browser.version > 6) {
el.id = el.getAttribute('id');
el.rateable = el.getAttribute('rel') == 'not-rateable' ? false : true;
el.wrapper = el.getElement('.wrapper');
el.textEl = el.getElement('.ratingText');
el.selected = el.wrapper.getElement('.rateItRating-selected');
el.hover = el.wrapper.getElement('.rateItRating-hover');
el.widthFx = new Fx.Tween(el.selected, {property:'width', link:'chain'});
var backgroundImage = this.getBackgroundImage(el.wrapper);
this.options.starwidth = backgroundImage.width;
this.options.starheight = backgroundImage.height / 3; // da immer drei Sterne "übereinander" gebraucht werden
if (this.options.starwidth === undefined || this.options.starwidth < 16) {
this.options.starwidth = 16;
if (this.options.starheight === undefined || this.options.starheight < 16) {
this.options.starheight = 16;
this.setBackgroundPosition(el.selected, -1 * this.options.starheight);
this.setBackgroundPosition(el.hover, -1 * 2 * this.options.starheight);
el.starPercent = this.getStarPercent(el.id);
el.ratableId = this.getRatableId(el.id);
el.ratableType = this.getRatableType(el.id);
// Maximalwert (=Anzahl Sterne) ermitteln
this.options.max = this.getRatableMaxValue(el.id);
// Höhe für selected und hover einstellen
el.selected.setStyle('height', this.options.starheight);
el.hover.setStyle('height', this.options.starheight);
// Wrapper-Größe so anpassen, dass alle Sterne angezeigt werden
el.wrapper.setStyle('width', this.options.starwidth * this.options.max);
el.wrapper.setStyle('height', this.options.starheight);
// Breite des rateItRating-selected divs setzen
this.fillVote(el.starPercent, el);
// Breite f<>r rateItRating-selected div ermitteln
el.currentFill = this.getFillPercent(el.starPercent);
if (el.rateable) {
el.mouseCrap = function(e) {
var fill = e.event.layerX;
if (!fill) {
fill = e.event.offsetX;
var fillPercent = this.getVotePercent(fill);
var nextStep = Math.ceil((fillPercent / 100) * this.options.max);
var w = nextStep * this.options.starwidth;
if (el.hover.getStyle('width').toInt() != w) {
el.selected.setStyle('display', 'none');
el.hover.setStyle('width', Math.min(w, this.options.starwidth * this.options.max));
el.hover.setStyle('display', 'block');
var newFill = nextStep / this.options.max * 100;
this.fillVote(newFill, el);
el.wrapper.addEvent('mouseenter', function(e) {
el.wrapper.addEvent('mousemove', el.mouseCrap);
el.wrapper.addEvent('mouseleave', function(e) {
el.hover.setStyle('width', 0);
el.hover.setStyle('display', 'none');
el.selected.setStyle('display', 'block');
el.wrapper.addEvent('click', function(e) {
el.currentFill = el.newFill;
el.textEl.oldTxt = el.textEl.get('text');
el.textEl.set('html', '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
// falls aus LightBox, entsprechendes ursprüngliches Rating aktualisieren
if (typeof($('.mbrateItRating')) != 'undefined' && el.id.indexOf('mb') == 0) {
var mbid = el.id;
mbid = mbid.replace('mb', '');
if (typeof(arrRatings) == 'object') {
for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) {
if (arrRatings[ri].rateItID == mbid) {
arrRatings[ri].rated = true;
arrRatings[ri].width = el.hover.getStyle('width');
if (typeof($(mbid)) != 'undefined') {
var origWrapper = $(mbid).getElement('.wrapper');
origWrapper.getElement('.rateItRating-selected').setStyle('display', 'none');
origWrapper.getElement('.rateItRating-hover').setStyle('width', el.hover.getStyle('width'));
origWrapper.getElement('.rateItRating-hover').setStyle('display', 'block');
} else {
if (typeof(arrRatings) == 'object') {
for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) {
if (arrRatings[ri].rateItID == el.id) {
arrRatings[ri].rated = true;
arrRatings[ri].width = el.hover.getStyle('width');
var votePercent = this.getVotePercent(el.newFill);
if (this.options.url != null) {
new Request({
el.updateText = function(text) {
error = text.split('ERROR:')[1];
if (error) { el.showError(error); return false; }
el.textEl.set('text', text);
// falls aus LightBox, entsprechendes ursprüngliches Rating aktualisieren
if (typeof($('.mbrateItRating')) != 'undefined' && el.id.indexOf('mb') == 0) {
var mbid = el.getAttribute('id');
mbid = mbid.replace('mb', '');
if (typeof(arrRatings) == 'object') {
for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) {
if (arrRatings[ri].rateItID == mbid) {
arrRatings[ri].description = text;
if (typeof($(mbid)) != 'undefined') {
$(mbid).getElement('.ratingText').set('text', text);
} else {
if (typeof(arrRatings) == 'object') {
for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) {
if (arrRatings[ri].rateItID == el.id) {
arrRatings[ri].description = text;
el.showError = function(error) {
el.textEl.set('text', error);
(function() {
el.textEl.set('text', el.textEl.oldTxt);
} else {
//Replaces all the fancy with a text description of the votes for IE6.
//If you want IE6 users to have something fancier to look at, add it here.
el.getElement('.ratingText').inject(el, 'before');
fillVote: function(percent, el) {
el.newFill = this.getFillPercent(percent);
if (this.getVotePercent(el.newFill) > 100) { el.newFill = this.getFillPercent(100); }
el.selected.setStyle('width', el.newFill);
getStarPercent: function(id) {
/* Format = anyStringHere-<id>-<float(currentStars)>_(scale);
* Example: RateItRatings-5-3_5 //Primary key id = 5, 3/5 stars. */
var stars = id.match(/(\d*\|?\d*)-(page|article|ce|module|news|faq|galpic)-(\d*\.?\d+)_(\d*\.?\d+)$/);
if (stars != null) {
var score = stars[3].toFloat();
var scale = stars[4].toFloat();
var percent = (score / scale) * 100;
return percent;
} else {
return 0;
// Ermittelt die Breite des rateItRating-selected divs
getFillPercent: function (starPercent) {
return (starPercent / 100) * (this.options.starwidth * this.options.max);
// Aus der Breite des rateItRating-selected divs die Prozentzahl ermitteln
getVotePercent: function(actVote) {
var starsWidth = this.options.starwidth * this.options.max;
var percent = (actVote / starsWidth * 100).round(2);
return percent;
getRatableId: function(id) {
var stars = id.match(/(\d*\|?\d*)-(page|article|ce|module|news|faq|galpic)-(\d*\.?\d+)_(\d*\.?\d+)$/);
return stars != null ? stars[1] : '';
getRatableType: function(id) {
var stars = id.match(/(\d*\|?\d*)-(page|article|ce|module|news|faq|galpic)-(\d*\.?\d+)_(\d*\.?\d+)$/);
return stars != null ? stars[2] : '';
getRatableMaxValue: function(id) {
var stars = id.match(/(\d*\|?\d*)-(page|article|ce|module|news|faq|galpic)-(\d*\.?\d+)_(\d*\.?\d+)$/);
return stars != null ? stars[4].toInt() : 0;
setBackgroundPosition: function(el, pos) {
el.setStyle('background-position', '0% ' + pos + 'px');
getBackgroundImagePath: function(el) {
return el.getStyle('background-image');
getBackgroundImage: function(el) {
var reg_imgFile = /url\s*\(["']?(.*)["']?\)/i;
var dummy = document.createElement('img');
var string = this.getBackgroundImagePath(el);
string = string.match(reg_imgFile)[1];
string = string.replace('\"', '');
dummy.src = string;
return dummy;
window.addEvent('domready', function(e) {
RateItRating = new RateItRatings({url:'SimpleAjax.php'});
} else if (window.jQuery) {
// the rateit plugin as an Object
(function() {
RateItRatings = {
options: {
step: 0.1, /* Schrittweite */
readonly: false, /* Bewertungen zulassen */
resetable: false /* Nicht zurücksetzbar */
// this should be called first before doing anything else
initialize: function(options) {
if (typeof options == 'object' && typeof options['url'] != 'undefined')
this.options.url = options['url'];
var self = this;
jQuery('.rateItRating').each(function(i, element) {
return this;
initMe: function(element) {
var self = this;
//Does this if the browser is NOT IE6. IE6 users don't deserve fancy ratings. >:(
if (!Browser.Engine.trident4) {
var el = jQuery(element);
el.data('id', el.attr('id'));
el.data('rateable', el.attr('rel') == 'not-rateable' ? false : true);
el.data('wrapper', el.find('.wrapper'));
el.data('textEl', el.find('.ratingText'));
// el.data('offset', getPosition(element).x);
el.data('selected', el.find('.rateItRating-selected'));
el.data('hover', el.find('.rateItRating-hover'));
var backgroundImage = self.getBackgroundImage(el.data('wrapper'));
self.options.starwidth = backgroundImage.width;
self.options.starheight = backgroundImage.height / 3; // da immer drei Sterne "übereinander" gebraucht werden
if (self.options.starwidth === undefined || self.options.starwidth < 16) {
self.options.starwidth = 16;
if (self.options.starheight === undefined || self.options.starheight < 16) {
self.options.starheight = 16;
self.setBackgroundPosition(el.data('selected'), -1 * self.options.starheight);
self.setBackgroundPosition(el.data('hover'), -1 * 2 * self.options.starheight);
el.data('starPercent', self.getStarPercent(el.data('id')));
el.data('ratableId', self.getRatableId(el.data('id')));
el.data('ratableType', self.getRatableType(el.data('id')));
// Maximalwert (=Anzahl Sterne) ermitteln
self.options.max = self.getRatableMaxValue(el.data('id'));
// Höhe für selected und hover einstellen
el.data('selected').css('height', self.options.starheight);
el.data('hover').css('height', self.options.starheight);
// Wrapper-Größe so anpassen, dass alle Sterne angezeigt werden
el.data('wrapper').css('width', self.options.starwidth * self.options.max);
el.data('wrapper').css('height', self.options.starheight);
// Breite des rateItRating-selected divs setzen
self.fillVote(el.data('starPercent'), el);
// Breite für rateItRating-selected div ermitteln
el.data('currentFill', self.getFillPercent(el.data('starPercent')));
if (el.data('rateable')) {
el.data('wrapper').mouseenter(function(event) {
el.data('selected').hide(500, "easeInOutQuad");
el.data('wrapper').mousemove({'el': el, 'self': self}, self.mouseCrap);
el.data('wrapper').mouseleave(function(event) {
el.data('selected').animate({width: el.data('currentFill')}, 500);
el.data('wrapper').click(function(event) {
el.data('currentFill', el.data('newFill'));
el.data('oldTxt', el.data('textEl').text());
// falls aus LightBox, entsprechendes ursprüngliches Rating aktualisieren
if (typeof(jQuery('.mbrateItRating')) != 'undefined' && el.data('id').indexOf('mb') == 0) {
var mbid = el.data('id');
mbid = mbid.replace('mb', '');
if (typeof(arrRatings) == 'object') {
for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) {
if (arrRatings[ri].rateItID == mbid) {
arrRatings[ri].rated = true;
arrRatings[ri].width = el.data('hover').css('width');
if (typeof(jQuery('#' + jEscape(mbid))) != 'undefined') {
var origWrapper = jQuery('#' + jEscape(mbid)).find('.wrapper');
origWrapper.find('.rateItRating-selected').css('display', 'none');
origWrapper.find('.rateItRating-hover').css('width', el.data('hover').css('width'));
origWrapper.find('.rateItRating-hover').css('display', 'block');
} else {
if (typeof(arrRatings) == 'object') {
for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) {
if (arrRatings[ri].rateItID == el.data('id')) {
arrRatings[ri].rated = true;
arrRatings[ri].width = el.data('hover').css('width');
var votePercent = self.getVotePercent(el.data('newFill'));
if (self.options.url != null) {
url: self.options.url,
type: 'post',
data: {'vote': votePercent, 'id': el.data('ratableId'), 'type': el.data('ratableType')}
}).done(function(data) {
el.data('updateText')(el, data);
el.data('updateText', self.updateText);
} else {
alert("Ich bin ein IE6");
fillVote: function(percent, el) {
el.data('newFill', this.getFillPercent(percent));
if (this.getVotePercent(el.data('newFill')) > 100) { el.data('newFill', this.getFillPercent(100)); }
el.data('selected').css('width', el.data('newFill'));
mouseCrap: function(event) {
var el = event.data['el'];
var self = event.data['self'];
var fill = event.originalEvent.layerX;
if (!fill) {
fill = event.originalEvent.offsetX;
var fillPercent = self.getVotePercent(fill);
var nextStep = Math.ceil((fillPercent / 100) * self.options.max);
var w = nextStep * self.options.starwidth;
if (parseInt(el.data('hover').css('width')) != w) {
el.data('selected').css('display', 'none');
el.data('hover').css('width', Math.min(w, self.options.starwidth * self.options.max));
el.data('hover').css('display', 'block');
var newFill = nextStep / self.options.max * 100;
self.fillVote(newFill, el);
getStarPercent: function(id) {
/* Format = anyStringHere-<id>-<float(currentStars)>_(scale);
* Example: RateItRatings-5-3_5 //Primary key id = 5, 3/5 stars. */
var stars = id.match(/(\d*\|?\d*)-(page|article|ce|module|news|faq|galpic)-(\d*\.?\d+)_(\d*\.?\d+)$/);
if (stars != null) {
var score = parseFloat(stars[3]);
var scale = parseFloat(stars[4]);
var percent = (score / scale) * 100;
return percent;
} else {
return 0;
// Ermittelt die Breite des rateItRating-selected divs
getFillPercent: function (starPercent) {
return (starPercent / 100) * (this.options.starwidth * this.options.max);
// Aus der Breite des rateItRating-selected divs die Prozentzahl ermitteln
getVotePercent: function(actVote) {
var starsWidth = this.options.starwidth * this.options.max;
var percent = (actVote / starsWidth * 100).toFixed(2);
return percent;
getRatableId: function(id) {
var stars = id.match(/(\d*\|?\d*)-(page|article|ce|module|news|faq|galpic)-(\d*\.?\d+)_(\d*\.?\d+)$/);
return stars != null ? stars[1] : '';
getRatableType: function(id) {
var stars = id.match(/(\d*\|?\d*)-(page|article|ce|module|news|faq|galpic)-(\d*\.?\d+)_(\d*\.?\d+)$/);
return stars != null ? stars[2] : '';
getRatableMaxValue: function(id) {
var stars = id.match(/(\d*\|?\d*)-(page|article|ce|module|news|faq|galpic)-(\d*\.?\d+)_(\d*\.?\d+)$/);
return stars != null ? parseInt(stars[4]) : 0;
setBackgroundPosition: function(el, pos) {
el.css('background-position', '0% ' + pos + 'px');
getBackgroundImagePath: function(el) {
return el.css("background-image");
getBackgroundImage: function(el) {
var reg_imgFile = /url\s*\(["']?(.*)["']?\)/i;
var dummy = document.createElement('img');
var string = this.getBackgroundImagePath(el);
string = string.match(reg_imgFile)[1];
string = string.replace('\"', '');
dummy.src = string;
return dummy;
updateText: function(el, text) {
error = text.split('ERROR:')[1];
if (error) { this.RateItRating.showError(el, error); return false; }
// falls aus LightBox, entsprechendes ursprüngliches Rating aktualisieren
if (typeof(jQuery('.mbrateItRating')) != 'undefined' && el.data('id').indexOf('mb') == 0) {
var mbid = el.attr('id');
mbid = mbid.replace('mb', '');
if (typeof(arrRatings) == 'object') {
for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) {
if (arrRatings[ri].rateItID == mbid) {
arrRatings[ri].description = text;
if (typeof(jQuery('#' + jEscape(mbid))) != 'undefined') {
jQuery('#' + jEscape(mbid)).find('.ratingText').text(text);
} else {
if (typeof(arrRatings) == 'object') {
for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) {
if (arrRatings[ri].rateItID == el.data('id')) {
arrRatings[ri].description = text;
showError: function(el, error) {
//oldTxt = el.data('textEl').text();
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
type: "GET",
url: "system/modules/rateit/public/js/jquery-ui-effects.custom.min.js",
dataType: "script",
async: false,
cache: true
type: "GET",
url: "system/modules/rateit/public/js/helper.js",
dataType: "script",
async: false,
cache: true
RateItRating = Object.create(RateItRatings).initialize({url:'SimpleAjax.php'});
var jEscape = function(jquery) {
jquery = jquery.replace(new RegExp("\\$", "g"), "\\$");
jquery = jquery.replace(new RegExp("\~", "g"), "\\~");
jquery = jquery.replace(new RegExp("\\[", "g"), "\\[");
jquery = jquery.replace(new RegExp("\\]", "g"), "\\]");
jquery = jquery.replace(new RegExp("\\|", "g"), "\\|");
jquery = jquery.replace(new RegExp("\\.", "g"), "\\.");
jquery = jquery.replace(new RegExp("#", "g"), "\\#");
return jquery;
onReadyRateIt(function() {