* PHP version 5
* @copyright cgo IT, 2013
* @author Carsten Götzinger (info@cgo-it.de)
* @package rateit
* @license GNU/LGPL
* @filesource
namespace cgoIT\rateit;
class RateItBackend
const path = 'system/modules/rateit/';
* Get a css file.
* @param string $file The basename if the file (without extension).
* @return string The file path.
public static function css($file)
return self::path.'public/css/'. $file.'.css';
} // file
* Get a js file.
* @param string $file The basename if the file (without extension).
* @return string The file path.
public static function js($file)
return self::path.'public/js/'. $file.'.js';
} // file
* Get image url from the theme.
* @param string $file The basename if the image (without extension).
* @return string The image path.
public static function image($file)
$url = self::path.'public/images/';
if (is_file(TL_ROOT.'/'.$url.$file.'.png')) return $url.$file.'.png';
if (is_file(TL_ROOT.'/'.$url.$file.'.gif')) return $url.$file.'.gif';
return $url.'default.png';
} // image
* Create a 'img' tag from theme icons.
* @param string $file The basename if the image (without extension).
* @param string $alt The 'alt' text.
* @param string $attributes Additional tag attributes.
* @return string The html code.
public static function createImage($file, $alt='', $attributes='')
if ($alt=='') $alt = 'icon';
$img = self::image($file);
$size = getimagesize(TL_ROOT.'/'.$img);
return '
} // createImage
* Create a list button (link button)
* @param string $file The basename if the image (without extension).
* @param string $link The URL of the link to create.
* @param string $text The alt/title text.
* @param string $confirm Optional confirmation text before redirecting to the link.
* @param boolean $popup Open the target in a new window.
* @return string The html code.
public function createListButton($file, $link, $text, $confirm='', $popup=false)
$target = $popup ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
$onclick = ($confirm!='') ? ' onclick="if(!confirm(\''.$confirm.'\'))return false"' : '';
return ''.$this->createImage($file,$text).'';
} // createListButton
public function createMainButton($file, $link, $text, $confirm='')
$onclick = ($confirm=='')
? ''
: ' onclick="if(!confirm(\''.$confirm.'\'))return false"';
return ''.$this->createImage($file,$text).' '.$text.'';
} // createMainButton
} // class RateItBackend