. * * PHP version 5 * @copyright cgo IT, 2013 * @author Carsten Götzinger (info@cgo-it.de) * @package rateit * @license GNU/LGPL * @filesource */ namespace cgoIT\rateit; class RateItRating extends RateItFrontend { /** * RatingKey * @var int */ public $rkey = 0; public $ratingType = 'page'; /** * Initialize the controller */ public function __construct($objElement=array()) { parent::__construct($objElement); } /** * Display a wildcard in the back end * @return string */ public function generate() { parent::generate(); } /** * Compile */ protected function compile() { $this->loadLanguageFile('default'); $this->Template = new \FrontendTemplate($this->strTemplate); $this->Template->setData($this->arrData); $rating = $this->loadRating($this->rkey, $this->ratingType); $ratingId = $this->rkey; $stars = !$rating ? 0 : $this->percentToStars($rating['rating']); $percent = round($rating['rating'], 0)."%"; $this->Template->descriptionId = 'rateItRating-'.$ratingId.'-description'; $this->Template->description = $this->getStarMessage($rating); $this->Template->id = 'rateItRating-'.$ratingId.'-'.$this->ratingType.'-'.$stars.'_'.$this->intStars; $this->Template->class = 'rateItRating'; $this->Template->itemreviewed = $rating['title']; $this->Template->actRating = $this->percentToStars($rating['rating']); $this->Template->maxRating = $this->intStars; $this->Template->votes = $rating[totalRatings]; if ($this->strTextPosition == "before") { $this->Template->showBefore = true; } else if ($this->strTextPosition == "after") { $this->Template->showAfter = true; } return $this->Template->parse(); } public function output() { return $this->compile(); } } ?>