/* mediaboxAdvanced v1.4.6 - The ultimate extension of Slimbox and Mediabox; an all-media script updated 2011.2.19 (c) 2007-2011 John Einselen based on Slimbox v1.64 - The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone (c) 2007-2008 Christophe Beyls MIT-style license. */ var Mediabox; (function() { // Global variables, accessible to Mediabox only var options, images, activeImage, prevImage, nextImage, top, mTop, left, mLeft, winWidth, winHeight, fx, preload, preloadPrev = new Image(), preloadNext = new Image(), // DOM elements overlay, center, image, bottom, captionSplit, title, caption, number, prevLink, nextLink, rating, ratingSelected, ratingHover, ratingDescription, // Mediabox specific vars URL, WH, WHL, elrel, mediaWidth, mediaHeight, mediaType = "none", mediaSplit, mediaId = "mediaBox", mediaFmt, margin; /* Initialization */ window.addEvent("domready", function() { // Create and append the Mediabox HTML code at the bottom of the document document.id(document.body).adopt( $$([ overlay = new Element("div", {id: "mbOverlay"}).addEvent("click", close), center = new Element("div", {id: "mbCenter"}) ]).setStyle("display", "none") ); image = new Element("div", {id: "mbImage"}).inject(center, "inside"); bottom = new Element("div", {id: "mbBottom"}).inject(center, "inside").adopt( closeLink = new Element("a", {id: "mbCloseLink", href: "#"}).addEvent("click", close), nextLink = new Element("a", {id: "mbNextLink", href: "#"}).addEvent("click", next), prevLink = new Element("a", {id: "mbPrevLink", href: "#"}).addEvent("click", previous), title = new Element("div", {id: "mbTitle"}), number = new Element("div", {id: "mbNumber"}), rating = new Element("div", {"id": "mbRating", "class": "mbrateItRating"}).adopt( ratingWrapper = new Element("div", {"class": "wrapper"}).adopt( ratingSelected = new Element("div", {"class": "rateItRating-selected", "display": "block"}), ratingHover = new Element("div", {"class": "rateItRating-hover"}) ), ratingDescription = new Element("div", {"id": "mbRatingDescription", "class": "mbratingText ratingText"}) ), caption = new Element("div", {id: "mbCaption"}) ); fx = { overlay: new Fx.Tween(overlay, {property: "opacity", duration: 360}).set(0), image: new Fx.Tween(image, {property: "opacity", duration: 360, onComplete: captionAnimate}), bottom: new Fx.Tween(bottom, {property: "opacity", duration: 240}).set(0) }; }); /* API */ Mediabox = { close: function(){ close(); // Thanks to Yosha on the google group for fixing the close function API! }, open: function(_images, startImage, _options) { options = { // Text options (translate as needed) buttonText: ['«','»','×'], // Set "previous", "next", and "close" button content (HTML code should be written as entity codes or properly escaped) // buttonText: ['«','»','×'], // buttonText: ['Prev','Next','Close'], counterText: '({x} of {y})', // Translate or change as you wish, {x} = current item number, {y} = total gallery length linkText: '{x}
open in a new tab', // Text shown on iOS devices for non-image links flashText: 'Error
Adobe Flash is either not installed or not up to date, please visit Adobe.com to download the free player.', // Text shown if Flash is not installed. // General overlay options center: true, // Set to false for use with custom CSS layouts loop: false, // Navigate from last to first elements in a gallery keyboard: true, // Enables keyboard control; escape key, left arrow, and right arrow keyboardAlpha: false, // Adds 'x', 'c', 'p', and 'n' when keyboard control is also set to true keyboardStop: false, // Stops all default keyboard actions while overlay is open (such as up/down arrows) // Does not apply to iFrame content, does not affect mouse scrolling overlayOpacity: 0.7, // 1 is opaque, 0 is completely transparent (change the color in the CSS file) resizeOpening: true, // Determines if box opens small and grows (true) or starts at larger size (false) resizeDuration: 240, // Duration of each of the box resize animations (in milliseconds) initialWidth: 320, // Initial width of the box (in pixels) initialHeight: 180, // Initial height of the box (in pixels) defaultWidth: 640, // Default width of the box (in pixels) for undefined media (MP4, FLV, etc.) defaultHeight: 360, // Default height of the box (in pixels) for undefined media (MP4, FLV, etc.) showCaption: true, // Display the title and caption, true / false showCounter: true, // If true, a counter will only be shown if there is more than 1 image to display // iOS device options // iOSenable: false, // When set to false, disables overlay entirely (links open in new tab) // IMAGES and INLINE content will display normally, // while ALL OTHER content will display a direct link (this is required so as to not break mixed-media galleries) iOShtml: true, // If set to true, HTML content is displayed normally as well (useful if your HTML content is minimal and UI oriented instead of external sites) // Image options imgBackground: false, // Embed images as CSS background (true) or tag (false) // CSS background is naturally non-clickable, preventing downloads // IMG tag allows automatic scaling for smaller screens // (all images have no-click code applied, albeit not Opera compatible. To remove, comment lines 212 and 822) imgPadding: 100, // Clearance necessary for images larger than the window size (only used when imgBackground is false) // Change this number only if the CSS style is significantly divergent from the original, and requires different sizes // Inline options overflow: 'auto', // If set, overides CSS settings for inline content only, set to "false" to leave CSS settings intact. inlineClone: false, // Clones the inline element instead of moving it from the page to the overlay // Global media options html5: 'true', // HTML5 settings for YouTube and Vimeo, false = off, true = on scriptaccess: 'true', // Allow script access to flash files fullscreen: 'true', // Use fullscreen fullscreenNum: '1', // 1 = true autoplay: 'true', // Plays the video as soon as it's opened autoplayNum: '1', // 1 = true autoplayYes: 'yes', // yes = true volume: '100', // 0-100, used for NonverBlaster and Quicktime players medialoop: 'true', // Loop video playback, true / false, used for NonverBlaster and Quicktime players bgcolor: '#000000', // Background color, used for flash and QT media wmode: 'opaque', // Background setting for Adobe Flash ('opaque' and 'transparent' are most common) // NonverBlaster useNB: true, // use NonverBlaster (true) or JW Media Player (false) for .flv and .mp4 files // PATCH: set path to plugins directory playerpath: 'assets/mootools/mediabox/1.4.6/NonverBlaster.swf', // Path to NonverBlaster.swf // PATCH EOF controlColor: '0xFFFFFF', // set the controlbar color controlBackColor: '0x000000', // set the controlbar color showTimecode: 'false', // turn timecode display off or on // JW Media Player settings and options // PATCH: set path to plugins directory JWplayerpath: 'assets/mootools/mediabox/1.4.6/player.swf', // Path to the mediaplayer.swf or flvplayer.swf file // PATCH EOF backcolor: '000000', // Base color for the controller, color name / hex value (0x000000) frontcolor: '999999', // Text and button color for the controller, color name / hex value (0x000000) lightcolor: '000000', // Rollover color for the controller, color name / hex value (0x000000) screencolor: '000000', // Rollover color for the controller, color name / hex value (0x000000) controlbar: 'over', // bottom, over, none (this setting is ignored when playing audio files) // Quicktime options controller: 'true', // Show controller, true / false // Flickr options flInfo: 'true', // Show title and info at video start // Revver options revverID: '187866', // Revver affiliate ID, required for ad revinue sharing revverFullscreen: 'true', // Fullscreen option revverBack: '000000', // Background color revverFront: 'ffffff', // Foreground color revverGrad: '000000', // Gradation color // Ustream options usViewers: 'true', // Show online viewer count (true/false) // Youtube options ytBorder: '0', // Outline (1=true, 0=false) ytColor1: '000000', // Outline color ytColor2: '333333', // Base interface color (highlight colors stay consistent) ytQuality: '&ap=%2526fmt%3D18', // Leave empty for standard quality, use '&ap=%2526fmt%3D18' for high quality, and '&ap=%2526fmt%3D22' for HD (note that not all videos are availible in high quality, and very few in HD) ytRel: '0', // Show related videos (1=true, 0=false) ytInfo: '1', // Show video info (1=true, 0=false) ytSearch: '0', // Show search field (1=true, 0=false) // Viddyou options vuPlayer: 'basic', // Use 'full' or 'basic' players // Vimeo options vmTitle: '1', // Show video title vmByline: '1', // Show byline vmPortrait: '1', // Show author portrait vmColor: 'ffffff' // Custom controller colors, hex value minus the # sign, defult is 5ca0b5 }; // PATCH: extend the options (see #4149) options = Object.merge(options, _options); prevLink.set('html', options.buttonText[0]); nextLink.set('html', options.buttonText[1]); closeLink.set('html', options.buttonText[2]); // PATCH: handle NaN (see #6504) margin = (center.getStyle('padding-left').toInt() || 0) + (image.getStyle('margin-left').toInt() || 0) + (image.getStyle('padding-left').toInt() || 0); if (Browser.firefox2) { // Fixes Firefox 2 and Camino 1.6 incompatibility with opacity + flash options.overlayOpacity = 1; overlay.className = 'mbOverlayOpaque'; } if (Browser.Platform.ios || Browser.ie6) { if (Browser.Platform.ios) options.keyboard = false; // if (Browser.Platform.ios) options.overlayOpacity = 0.0; // This helps ammeliorate the issues with CSS overlays in iOS, leaving a clickable background, but avoiding the visible issues options.resizeOpening = false; overlay.className = 'mbOverlayAbsolute'; overlay.setStyle("position", "absolute"); // Temporary stopgap for lack of CSS "position: fixed;" element positioning in iOS browsers position(); } if (typeof _images == "string") { // Used for single images only, with URL and Title as first two arguments _images = [[_images,startImage,_options]]; startImage = 0; } images = _images; options.loop = options.loop && (images.length > 1); size(); setup(true); top = window.getScrollTop() + (window.getHeight()/2); left = window.getScrollLeft() + (window.getWidth()/2); fx.resize = new Fx.Morph(center, {duration: options.resizeDuration, onComplete: imageAnimate}); /****/ center.setStyles({top: top, left: left, width: options.initialWidth, height: options.initialHeight, marginTop: -(options.initialHeight/2)-margin, marginLeft: -(options.initialWidth/2)-margin, display: ""}); fx.overlay.start(options.overlayOpacity); return changeImage(startImage); } }; Element.implement({ mediabox: function(_options, linkMapper) { $$(this).mediabox(_options, linkMapper); // The processing of a single element is similar to the processing of a collection with a single element return this; } }); Elements.implement({ /* options: Optional options object, see Mediabox.open() linkMapper: Optional function taking a link DOM element and an index as arguments and returning an array containing 3 elements: the image URL and the image caption (may contain HTML) linksFilter:Optional function taking a link DOM element and an index as arguments and returning true if the element is part of the image collection that will be shown on click, false if not. "this" refers to the element that was clicked. This function must always return true when the DOM element argument is "this". */ mediabox: function(_options, linkMapper, linksFilter) { linkMapper = linkMapper || function(el) { elrel = el.rel.split(/[\[\]]/); elrel = elrel[1]; return [el.get('href'), el.title, elrel]; // thanks to Dušan Medlín for figuring out the URL bug! }; linksFilter = linksFilter || function() { return true; }; var links = this; // PATCH: enable the contextmenu //links.addEvent('contextmenu', function(e){ // if (this.toString().match(/\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png/i)) e.stop(); //}); // PATCH EOF links.removeEvents("click").addEvent("click", function() { // Build the list of images that will be displayed var filteredArray = links.filter(linksFilter, this); var filteredLinks = []; var filteredHrefs = []; filteredArray.each(function(item, index){ if(filteredHrefs.indexOf(item.toString()) < 0) { filteredLinks.include(filteredArray[index]); filteredHrefs.include(filteredArray[index].toString()); }; }); return Mediabox.open(filteredLinks.map(linkMapper), filteredHrefs.indexOf(this.toString()), _options); }); return links; } }); /* Internal functions */ function position() { overlay.setStyles({top: window.getScrollTop(), left: window.getScrollLeft()}); } function size() { winWidth = window.getWidth(); winHeight = window.getHeight(); overlay.setStyles({width: winWidth, height: winHeight}); } function setup(open) { // Hides on-page objects and embeds while the overlay is open, nessesary to counteract Firefox stupidity if (Browser.firefox) { ["object", window.ie ? "select" : "embed"].forEach(function(tag) { Array.forEach($$(tag), function(el) { if (open) el._mediabox = el.style.visibility; el.style.visibility = open ? "hidden" : el._mediabox; }); }); } overlay.style.display = open ? "" : "none"; var fn = open ? "addEvent" : "removeEvent"; if (Browser.Platform.ios || Browser.ie6) window[fn]("scroll", position); // scroll position is updated only after movement has stopped window[fn]("resize", size); if (options.keyboard) document[fn]("keydown", keyDown); } function keyDown(event) { if (options.keyboardAlpha) { switch(event.code) { case 27: // Esc case 88: // 'x' case 67: // 'c' close(); break; case 37: // Left arrow case 80: // 'p' previous(); break; case 39: // Right arrow case 78: // 'n' next(); } } else { switch(event.code) { case 27: // Esc close(); break; case 37: // Left arrow previous(); break; case 39: // Right arrow next(); } } if (options.keyboardStop) { return false; }; } function previous() { return changeImage(prevImage); } function next() { return changeImage(nextImage); } function changeImage(imageIndex) { if (imageIndex >= 0) { // if (Browser.Platform.ios && !options.iOSenable) { // window.open(images[imageIndex][0], "_blank"); // close(); // return false; // } image.set('html', ''); activeImage = imageIndex; prevImage = ((activeImage || !options.loop) ? activeImage : images.length) - 1; nextImage = activeImage + 1; if (nextImage == images.length) nextImage = options.loop ? 0 : -1; stop(); center.className = "mbLoading"; if (preload && mediaType == "inline" && !options.inlineClone) preload.adopt(image.getChildren()); // prevents loss of adopted data /* mediaboxAdvanced link formatting and media support */ if (!images[imageIndex][2]) images[imageIndex][2] = ''; // Thanks to Leo Feyer for offering this fix WH = images[imageIndex][2].split(' '); WHL = WH.length; if (WHL>1) { mediaWidth = (WH[WHL-2].match("%")) ? (window.getWidth()*((WH[WHL-2].replace("%", ""))*0.01))+"px" : WH[WHL-2]+"px"; mediaHeight = (WH[WHL-1].match("%")) ? (window.getHeight()*((WH[WHL-1].replace("%", ""))*0.01))+"px" : WH[WHL-1]+"px"; } else { mediaWidth = ""; mediaHeight = ""; } URL = images[imageIndex][0]; // PATCH: do not encode URIs because Contao has done already // (seems to be in the mediabox core now) // URL = encodeURI(URL).replace("(","%28").replace(")","%29"); // URL = encodeURI(URL).replace("(","%28").replace(")","%29").replace("%20"," "); captionSplit = images[activeImage][1].split('::'); // Quietube and yFrog support if (URL.match(/quietube\.com/i)) { mediaSplit = URL.split('v.php/'); URL = mediaSplit[1]; } else if (URL.match(/\/\/yfrog/i)) { mediaType = (URL.substring(URL.length-1)); if (mediaType.match(/b|g|j|p|t/i)) mediaType = 'image'; if (mediaType == 's') mediaType = 'flash'; if (mediaType.match(/f|z/i)) mediaType = 'video'; URL = URL+":iphone"; } /* Specific Media Types */ // GIF, JPG, PNG if (URL.match(/\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|twitpic\.com/i) || mediaType == 'image') { mediaType = 'img'; URL = URL.replace(/twitpic\.com/i, "twitpic.com/show/full"); preload = new Image(); preload.onload = startEffect; preload.src = URL; // FLV, MP4 } else if (URL.match(/\.flv|\.mp4/i) || mediaType == 'video') { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || options.defaultHeight; var URL = new URI(URL).toAbsolute(); // PATCH: see 4066 if (options.useNB) { preload = new Swiff(''+options.playerpath+'?mediaURL='+URL+'&allowSmoothing=true&autoPlay='+options.autoplay+'&buffer=6&showTimecode='+options.showTimecode+'&loop='+options.medialoop+'&controlColor='+options.controlColor+'&controlBackColor='+options.controlBackColor+'&defaultVolume='+options.volume+'&scaleIfFullScreen=true&showScalingButton=true&crop=false', { id: 'MediaboxSWF', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); } else { preload = new Swiff(''+options.JWplayerpath+'?file='+URL+'&backcolor='+options.backcolor+'&frontcolor='+options.frontcolor+'&lightcolor='+options.lightcolor+'&screencolor='+options.screencolor+'&autostart='+options.autoplay+'&controlbar='+options.controlbar, { id: 'MediaboxSWF', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); } startEffect(); // MP3, AAC } else if (URL.match(/\.mp3|\.aac|tweetmic\.com|tmic\.fm/i) || mediaType == 'audio') { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "20px"; if (URL.match(/tweetmic\.com|tmic\.fm/i)) { URL = URL.split('/'); URL[4] = URL[4] || URL[3]; URL = "http://media4.fjarnet.net/tweet/tweetmicapp-"+URL[4]+'.mp3'; } if (options.useNB) { preload = new Swiff(''+options.playerpath+'?mediaURL='+URL+'&allowSmoothing=true&autoPlay='+options.autoplay+'&buffer=6&showTimecode='+options.showTimecode+'&loop='+options.medialoop+'&controlColor='+options.controlColor+'&controlBackColor='+options.controlBackColor+'&defaultVolume='+options.volume+'&scaleIfFullScreen=true&showScalingButton=true&crop=false', { id: 'MediaboxSWF', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); } else { preload = new Swiff(''+options.JWplayerpath+'?file='+URL+'&backcolor='+options.backcolor+'&frontcolor='+options.frontcolor+'&lightcolor='+options.lightcolor+'&screencolor='+options.screencolor+'&autostart='+options.autoplay, { id: 'MediaboxSWF', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); } startEffect(); // SWF } else if (URL.match(/\.swf/i) || mediaType == 'flash') { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || options.defaultHeight; preload = new Swiff(URL, { id: 'MediaboxSWF', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // MOV, M4V, M4A, MP4, AIFF, etc. } else if (URL.match(/\.mov|\.m4v|\.m4a|\.aiff|\.avi|\.caf|\.dv|\.mid|\.m3u|\.mp3|\.mp2|\.mp4|\.qtz/i) || mediaType == 'qt') { mediaType = 'qt'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = (parseInt(mediaHeight)+16)+"px" || options.defaultHeight; preload = new Quickie(URL, { id: 'MediaboxQT', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, // container: 'mbImage', attributes: {controller: options.controller, autoplay: options.autoplay, volume: options.volume, loop: options.medialoop, bgcolor: options.bgcolor} }); startEffect(); /* Social Media Sites */ // Blip.tv } else if (URL.match(/blip\.tv/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "390px"; preload = new Swiff(URL, { src: URL, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Break.com } else if (URL.match(/break\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "464px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "376px"; mediaId = URL.match(/\d{6}/g); preload = new Swiff('http://embed.break.com/'+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // DailyMotion } else if (URL.match(/dailymotion\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "381px"; preload = new Swiff(URL, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Facebook } else if (URL.match(/facebook\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "320px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "240px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('v='); mediaSplit = mediaSplit[1].split('&'); mediaId = mediaSplit[0]; preload = new Swiff('http://www.facebook.com/v/'+mediaId, { movie: 'http://www.facebook.com/v/'+mediaId, classid: 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Flickr } else if (URL.match(/flickr\.com(?!.+\/show\/)/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "500px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "375px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[5]; preload = new Swiff('http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf', { id: mediaId, classid: 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {flashvars: 'photo_id='+mediaId+'&show_info_box='+options.flInfo, wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // GameTrailers Video } else if (URL.match(/gametrailers\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "392px"; mediaId = URL.match(/\d{5}/g); preload = new Swiff('http://www.gametrailers.com/remote_wrap.php?mid='+mediaId, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Google Video } else if (URL.match(/google\.com\/videoplay/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "400px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "326px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff('http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId='+mediaId+'&autoplay='+options.autoplayNum, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Megavideo - Thanks to Robert Jandreu for suggesting this code! } else if (URL.match(/megavideo\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff('http://wwwstatic.megavideo.com/mv_player.swf?v='+mediaId, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Metacafe } else if (URL.match(/metacafe\.com\/watch/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "400px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "345px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[4]; preload = new Swiff('http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/'+mediaId+'/.swf?playerVars=autoPlay='+options.autoplayYes, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Myspace } else if (URL.match(/vids\.myspace\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "425px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360px"; preload = new Swiff(URL, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Revver } else if (URL.match(/revver\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "392px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[4]; preload = new Swiff('http://flash.revver.com/player/1.0/player.swf?mediaId='+mediaId+'&affiliateId='+options.revverID+'&allowFullScreen='+options.revverFullscreen+'&autoStart='+options.autoplay+'&backColor=#'+options.revverBack+'&frontColor=#'+options.revverFront+'&gradColor=#'+options.revverGrad+'&shareUrl=revver', { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Rutube } else if (URL.match(/rutube\.ru/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "470px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "353px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff('http://video.rutube.ru/'+mediaId, { movie: 'http://video.rutube.ru/'+mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Seesmic } else if (URL.match(/seesmic\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "435px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "355px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[5]; preload = new Swiff('http://seesmic.com/Standalone.swf?video='+mediaId, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Tudou } else if (URL.match(/tudou\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "400px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "340px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[5]; preload = new Swiff('http://www.tudou.com/v/'+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Twitvcam } else if (URL.match(/twitcam\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "320px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "265px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[3]; preload = new Swiff('http://static.livestream.com/chromelessPlayer/wrappers/TwitcamPlayer.swf?hash='+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Twiturm } else if (URL.match(/twiturm\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "402px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "48px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[3]; preload = new Swiff('http://twiturm.com/flash/twiturm_mp3.swf?playerID=0&sf='+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Twitvid } else if (URL.match(/twitvid\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "600px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "338px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[3]; preload = new Swiff('http://www.twitvid.com/player/'+mediaId, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Ustream.tv } else if (URL.match(/ustream\.tv/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "400px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "326px"; preload = new Swiff(URL+'&viewcount='+options.usViewers+'&autoplay='+options.autoplay, { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // YouKu } else if (URL.match(/youku\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "400px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('id_'); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff('http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/'+mediaId+'=/v.swf', { width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // YouTube Video (now includes HTML5 option) } else if (URL.match(/youtube\.com\/watch/i)) { mediaSplit = URL.split('v='); if (options.html5) { mediaType = 'url'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "385px"; mediaId = "mediaId_"+new Date().getTime(); // Safari may not update iframe content with a static id. preload = new Element('iframe', { 'src': 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/'+mediaSplit[1], 'id': mediaId, 'width': mediaWidth, 'height': mediaHeight, 'frameborder': 0, 'allowTransparency': true // PATCH: see #5077 }); startEffect(); } else { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; if (mediaId.match(/fmt=22/i)) { mediaFmt = '&ap=%2526fmt%3D22'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "385px"; } else if (mediaId.match(/fmt=18/i)) { mediaFmt = '&ap=%2526fmt%3D18'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "560px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "345px"; } else { mediaFmt = options.ytQuality; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "295px"; } preload = new Swiff('http://www.youtube.com/v/'+mediaId+'&autoplay='+options.autoplayNum+'&fs='+options.fullscreenNum+mediaFmt+'&border='+options.ytBorder+'&color1=0x'+options.ytColor1+'&color2=0x'+options.ytColor2+'&rel='+options.ytRel+'&showinfo='+options.ytInfo+'&showsearch='+options.ytSearch, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); } // YouTube Playlist } else if (URL.match(/youtube\.com\/view/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaSplit = URL.split('p='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "480px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "385px"; preload = new Swiff('http://www.youtube.com/p/'+mediaId+'&autoplay='+options.autoplayNum+'&fs='+options.fullscreenNum+mediaFmt+'&border='+options.ytBorder+'&color1=0x'+options.ytColor1+'&color2=0x'+options.ytColor2+'&rel='+options.ytRel+'&showinfo='+options.ytInfo+'&showsearch='+options.ytSearch, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Veoh } else if (URL.match(/veoh\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "410px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "341px"; URL = URL.replace('%3D','/'); mediaSplit = URL.split('watch/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff('http://www.veoh.com/static/swf/webplayer/WebPlayer.swf?version=AFrontend.'+mediaId+'&player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay='+options.AutoplayNum+'&id=anonymous', { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Viddler } else if (URL.match(/viddler\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "437px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "370px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[4]; preload = new Swiff(URL, { id: 'viddler_'+mediaId, movie: URL, classid: 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen, id: 'viddler_'+mediaId, movie: URL} }); startEffect(); // Viddyou } else if (URL.match(/viddyou\.com/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "416px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "312px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('='); mediaId = mediaSplit[1]; preload = new Swiff('http://www.viddyou.com/get/v2_'+options.vuPlayer+'/'+mediaId+'.swf', { id: mediaId, movie: 'http://www.viddyou.com/get/v2_'+options.vuPlayer+'/'+mediaId+'.swf', width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // Vimeo (now includes HTML5 option) } else if (URL.match(/vimeo\.com/i)) { mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640px"; // site defualt: 400px mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360px"; // site defualt: 225px mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[3]; if (options.html5) { mediaType = 'url'; mediaId = "mediaId_"+new Date().getTime(); // Safari may not update iframe content with a static id. preload = new Element('iframe', { 'src': 'http://player.vimeo.com/video/'+mediaSplit[3]+'?portrait='+options.vmPortrait, 'id': mediaId, 'width': mediaWidth, 'height': mediaHeight, 'frameborder': 0, 'allowTransparency': true // PATCH: see #5077 }); startEffect(); } else { mediaType = 'obj'; preload = new Swiff('http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id='+mediaId+'&server=www.vimeo.com&fullscreen='+options.fullscreenNum+'&autoplay='+options.autoplayNum+'&show_title='+options.vmTitle+'&show_byline='+options.vmByline+'&show_portrait='+options.vmPortrait+'&color='+options.vmColor, { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); } // 12seconds } else if (URL.match(/12seconds\.tv/i)) { mediaType = 'obj'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "430px"; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360px"; mediaSplit = URL.split('/'); mediaId = mediaSplit[5]; preload = new Swiff('http://embed.12seconds.tv/players/remotePlayer.swf', { id: mediaId, width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, params: {flashvars: 'vid='+mediaId+'', wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen} }); startEffect(); // INLINE } else if (URL.match(/\#mb_/i)) { mediaType = 'inline'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || options.defaultHeight; URLsplit = URL.split('#'); // preload = new Element("div", {id: "mbImageInline"}).adopt(document.id(URLsplit[1]).getChildren().clone([true,true])); preload = document.id(URLsplit[1]); startEffect(); // HTML (applies to ALL links not recognised as a specific media type) } else { mediaType = 'url'; mediaWidth = mediaWidth || options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = mediaHeight || options.defaultHeight; mediaId = "mediaId_"+new Date().getTime(); // Safari may not update iframe content with a static id. preload = new Element('iframe', { 'src': URL, 'id': mediaId, 'width': mediaWidth, 'height': mediaHeight, 'frameborder': 0, 'allowTransparency': true // PATCH: see #5077 }); startEffect(); } } return false; } function startEffect() { // if (Browser.Platform.ios && (mediaType == "obj" || mediaType == "qt" || mediaType == "html")) alert("this isn't gonna work"); // if (Browser.Platform.ios && (mediaType == "obj" || mediaType == "qt" || mediaType == "html")) mediaType = "ios"; (mediaType == "img")?image.addEvent("click", next):image.removeEvent("click", next); if (mediaType == "img"){ mediaWidth = preload.width; mediaHeight = preload.height; if (options.imgBackground) { image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "url("+URL+")", display: ""}); } else { // Thanks to Dusan Medlin for fixing large 16x9 image errors in a 4x3 browser if (mediaHeight >= winHeight-options.imgPadding && (mediaHeight / winHeight) >= (mediaWidth / winWidth)) { mediaHeight = winHeight-options.imgPadding; mediaWidth = preload.width = parseInt((mediaHeight/preload.height)*mediaWidth); preload.height = mediaHeight; } else if (mediaWidth >= winWidth-options.imgPadding && (mediaHeight / winHeight) < (mediaWidth / winWidth)) { mediaWidth = winWidth-options.imgPadding; mediaHeight = preload.height = parseInt((mediaWidth/preload.width)*mediaHeight); preload.width = mediaWidth; } if (Browser.ie) preload = document.id(preload); preload.addEvent('mousedown', function(e){ e.stop(); }).addEvent('contextmenu', function(e){ e.stop(); }); image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); preload.inject(image); } } else if (mediaType == "inline") { // if (options.overflow) image.setStyles({overflow: options.overflow}); image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); // preload.inject(image); // image.grab(preload.get('html')); (options.inlineClone)?image.grab(preload.get('html')):image.adopt(preload.getChildren()); } else if (mediaType == "qt") { image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); preload.inject(image); // preload; } else if (mediaType == "url") { image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); preload.inject(image); } else if (mediaType == "ios" || Browser.Platform.ios) { image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); image.set('html', options.linkText.replace(/{x}/gi, URL)); mediaWidth = options.DefaultWidth; mediaHeight = options.DefaultHeight; } else if (mediaType == "obj") { if (Browser.Plugins.Flash.version < "8") { image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); image.set('html', '
Adobe Flash is either not installed or not up to date, please visit Adobe.com to download the free player.
'); mediaWidth = options.DefaultWidth; mediaHeight = options.DefaultHeight; } else { image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); preload.inject(image); } } else { image.setStyles({backgroundImage: "none", display: ""}); image.set('html', options.flashText); mediaWidth = options.defaultWidth; mediaHeight = options.defaultHeight; } image.setStyles({width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight}); caption.setStyles({width: mediaWidth}); title.set('html', (options.showCaption) ? captionSplit[0] : ""); caption.set('html', (options.showCaption && (captionSplit.length > 1)) ? captionSplit[1] : ""); number.set('html', (options.showCounter && (images.length > 1)) ? options.counterText.replace(/{x}/, activeImage + 1).replace(/{y}/, images.length) : ""); rating.setStyles({display: "none"}); if (typeof arrRatings == 'object') { for (var ri = 0; ri < arrRatings.length; ri++) { if (decodeURIComponent(preload.src).endsWith(arrRatings[ri].URL)) { rating.setStyles({display: "block"}); if (arrRatings[ri].rated) { rating.set('id', 'mb' + arrRatings[ri].rateItID); RateItRating.initMe(rating); ratingWrapper.removeEvents(); ratingSelected.setStyle('display', 'none'); ratingHover.setStyle('width', arrRatings[ri].width); ratingHover.setStyle('display', 'block'); ratingDescription.set('html', arrRatings[ri].description); } else { rating.set('id', 'mb' + arrRatings[ri].rateItID); ratingSelected.setStyle('display', 'block'); ratingHover.setStyle('display', 'none'); ratingDescription.set('html', arrRatings[ri].description); RateItRating.initMe(rating); } break; } } } // The following line inverts the displayed number (so instead of the first element being labeled 1/10, it's 10/10) // number.set('html', (options.showCounter && (images.length > 1)) ? options.counterText.replace(/{x}/, images.length - activeImage).replace(/{y}/, images.length) : ""); if ((prevImage >= 0) && (images[prevImage][0].match(/\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|twitpic\.com/i))) preloadPrev.src = images[prevImage][0].replace(/twitpic\.com/i, "twitpic.com/show/full"); if ((nextImage >= 0) && (images[nextImage][0].match(/\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png|twitpic\.com/i))) preloadNext.src = images[nextImage][0].replace(/twitpic\.com/i, "twitpic.com/show/full"); mediaWidth = image.offsetWidth; mediaHeight = image.offsetHeight+bottom.offsetHeight; if (mediaHeight >= top+top) { mTop = -top } else { mTop = -(mediaHeight/2) }; if (mediaWidth >= left+left) { mLeft = -left } else { mLeft = -(mediaWidth/2) }; /****/ if (options.resizeOpening) { fx.resize.start({width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, marginTop: mTop-margin, marginLeft: mLeft-margin}); /****/ } else { center.setStyles({width: mediaWidth, height: mediaHeight, marginTop: mTop-margin, marginLeft: mLeft-margin}); imageAnimate(); } } function imageAnimate() { fx.image.start(1); } function captionAnimate() { center.className = ""; if (prevImage >= 0) prevLink.style.display = ""; if (nextImage >= 0) nextLink.style.display = ""; fx.bottom.start(1); } function stop() { if (preload) { if (mediaType == "inline" && !options.inlineClone) preload.adopt(image.getChildren()); // prevents loss of adopted data preload.onload = function(){}; // $empty replacement } fx.resize.cancel(); fx.image.cancel().set(0); fx.bottom.cancel().set(0); $$(prevLink, nextLink).setStyle("display", "none"); } function close() { if (activeImage >= 0) { if (mediaType == "inline" && !options.inlineClone) preload.adopt(image.getChildren()); // prevents loss of adopted data preload.onload = function(){}; // $empty replacement image.empty(); for (var f in fx) fx[f].cancel(); center.setStyle("display", "none"); fx.overlay.chain(setup).start(0); } // PATCH: fire a custom event window.fireEvent('mb_close'); // PATCH EOF return false; } })(); //PATCH: remove the autoload block